Bailey Creek Bridge

Project No. P18-14 – Phase 3 Bailey Creek Bridge

Background and Scope of Work

The Bailey Creek wood trestle bridge (ID#12064) is located on an off-road former 20m railway corridor, under the Towns ownership. It carries critical water and wastewater infrastructure atop to service the Community of Beeton from Alliston. Please see the attached location plan for further reference.

The primary scope of work is identified within the Town’s 2016 Water Supply, Distribution and Storage Master Plan and in the 2018 Bridge Crossing Feasibility Study in which recommended to relocate the water and wastewater infrastructure under the Bailey creek by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) as the preferred method of installation. The work would also include the demolition of the bridge which has been determined to be nearing the end of their service life and the construction of a gravel access road for monitoring and maintenance of the new infrastructure once installed.

Pursuant to these recommendations, the Town has retained R.V. Anderson Associates Limited (RVA) to complete the detailed engineering design and tender administration. As part of this work, RVA anticipates to be on site the week of September 25, 2023 to complete the following non-intrusive activities:

  • Fish inventory and habitat mapping;
  • Tree inventory and assessments; and
  • Ecological investigations.

Project Updates and Notices
Notice for Start of Project No. P18-14 – Phase 3 Bailey Creek Bridge, September 2023