Fire Rescue

Our Fire Rescue Services perform all fire rescue, prevention, safety education, training and station tour duties in our community.

Learn more about our:

Accredited Superior Tanker Shuttle Service

New Tecumseth Fire Rescue completed a successful re-accreditation of the Superior Tanker Shuttle Service as recognized by Fire Underwriters Survey, which remains valid until 2027.

Accredited Superior Tanker Shuttle Service is a recognized equivalency to hydrant protection. To be accredited, fire departments must commit to maintaining a high standard of organization, and practice delivering the service regularly. The fire department must be able to show through testing and documentation that it can continuously provide water supplies more than the minimum required for hydranted municipal-type water supplies.

This accreditation is valuable to our rural residents as the accreditation often leads to lower home insurance rates.

For further information, contact fire to confirm if your property is eligible for this service via email to our fire administration or call 705-435-3900.

Read the chief's message for more information on our firefighting volunteers, their mission, fire stations and education/community outreach programs.

Chief's message

New Tecumseth Fire Rescue consists of 140 volunteer firefighters, a full-time Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief of operations/training, Deputy Fire Chief of prevention and education and Training Officer. The department operates 3 fire stations located within New Tecumseth: Station 1 – Alliston, Station 2 – Beeton and Station 3 – Tottenham. Our Administration Office is located at the Joint Operations Centre at 6558 8th Concession in Beeton. Our response area is 180 km² and includes a population of approximately 35,000 residents, both rural and urban.

The purpose of New Tecumseth Fire Rescue is to protect the life and property of its citizens in New Tecumseth from fire and other public safety hazards through prevention, education, planning and emergency incident services, fire extinguisher training, rescue, suppression and basic life support services.

Fire and safety education programs are presented to schools throughout the community through the ‘Learn Not to Burn' program with the fire safety house. With the support of the entire community this is a proactive approach to inform residents of public safety and fire prevention programs.

For more information on becoming a volunteer firefighter or services provided by our department please contact our Administration Centre at 705-435-3900 or email Fire Administration.

Dan Heydon

Fire Chief/Community Emergency Management Coordinator

Emergency fees

There may be fees associated with some emergency duties we provide. You can view them here.

Requests, reports and inspection fees

  • Request for copy of Fire Report or File Search - $70.00 flat fee
  • Request for Clearance Letter on residential dwelling for mortgage or change of ownership - $70.00 flat fee
  • Single occupancy building less than 20,000 feet² - $70.00 flat fee
  • Single occupancy building greater than 20,000 feet² - $80.00 flat fee
  • Multiple tenant and multiple storey building less than 20,000 feet² - $70.00 flat fee plus $40.00 for each additional unit
  • Multiple tenant and multiple storey building greater than 20,000 feet² - $80.00 flat fee plus $40.00 for each additional unit

Facility and fireworks inspections

  • Inspection of day cares, day nurseries, churches, rooming houses and like facilities (not-for-profit individual groups/organizations are exempted from fee) - $70.00
  • Fireworks requests for inspection and approval of site from where fireworks will be ignited and requests for inspection of fireworks storage site (community or like sponsored events, festivals and fairs are exempted from fee) - $70.00

Fire apparatus standby

  • Requests for fire department apparatus to stand-by or be used in commercial show, exhibitions or demonstrations (community or like sponsored events, festivals and fairs are exempted from fee) - Current MTO rates per vehicle will be applied, plus 1 point per 1 officer and 1 firefighter or part thereof
  • Stand-by fee for suspicious fire - $75.00 per hour
  • Burst water pipes and sprinkler system requests for clean-up assistance - $100.00 per hour

False alarm calls

  • False alarms – after responding to two in the same calendar year, to the same address/property because of failure to notify the fire department that work is being performed on the alarm system or poor maintenance of system after warning - $300.00 per call
  • Elevator calls after responding to two in the same calendar year due to poor or non-maintenance of device - Current MTO rates will be applied
  • The Town of New Tecumseth administers these false alarm fees by the Nottawasaga detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police:
    • First false alarm in any calendar year – no charge
    • Second false alarm in any calendar year – no charge
    • Third false alarm in any calendar year - $100.00
    • Fourth false alarm in any calendar year - $200.00
    • Fifth false alarm in any calendar year - $300.00
    • Sixth and all subsequent false alarms in any calendar year - $300.00 or service may be suspended for the remainder of the calendar year

Plans review

  • Building plans review and inspection (fee to be collected at time of building permit issuance) - $0.20 per $1,000 value of construction with a minimum fee of $50.00
  • Review for comments, hydrants and fire routes in site plan, subdivision and zoning applications - $50.00 flat fee
  • Committee of Adjustment requests for review and comments on applications for consent and/or minor variances - $50.00 flat fee

Presentations and demonstrations

  • Senior fire official making presentations to industry and other groups (not-for-profit organizations exempted from fee) - $70.00 per hour
  • Fire extinguisher demonstrations provided to external groups and organizations (i.e. private nursing homes, hospitals or factories, etc.) - $10.00 per person

Technical rescue

  • Technical rescue (ice or water, confined space, high angle, trench, hazmat or extrication) – Full cost of recovery
  • Emergency calls on all roadways within the municipality – Current Ministry of Transportation rates to be approved

Miscellaneous fees

  • Training other fire department staff and agencies, with course materials and expenses – Full cost of training session
  • Special equipment rental or private contractor hire for determining the cause and origin of a fire, suppressing or extinguishing a fire, preserve property, prevent fire spread or to make safe/eliminate an emergency – Full cost of recovery
  • Risk and safety management plan review of propane storage and handling facilities - $1,000 deposit and an application review applied to deposit at a rate of $60.00 per hour. Peer review, if applicable, also charged. Any costs incurred exceeding deposit funds are invoiced directly
  • Fire response fees for indemnification technology – Current Ministry of Transportation rates plus any additional costs to the municipality, plus full cost of recovery