7th Line Road Reconstruction and Temporary Road Closure

Please be advised that the Town of New Tecumseth has recently awarded the 7th Line Road Reconstruction contract (“Works”) to Fermar Paving Limited (“Contractor”). Triton Engineering Services Limited (“Consultant”) has been retained to provide Contract Administration and Inspection services for this project on behalf of the Town.

The Works entail the reconstruction of 7th Line from Sideroad 10 to Sideroad 15 spanning over approximately 3.1 km with proposed asphalt width of 7.0m with 1.2m paved shoulders.

The scope of work also includes, but not limited to;
• full depth road replacement addressing deficient road base;
• improve vertical curves to provide better sightlines and riding comfort;
• replacement of seven road culverts and two concrete structures;
• replacement of all driveway entrance culverts;
• improve roadside drainage;
• placement of hot mix asphalt;
• restoration of driveway entrances; and
• topsoil, seed/sod and plantings.

The Contractor anticipates to commence during the week of July 18, 2022 with completion anticipated by November 18, 2022. Depending on weather conditions, some work is expected to take place in the spring of 2023 for completion.
During construction, the 7th Line will be closed to through traffic between Sideroad 10 and Sideroad 15 pursuant to Temporary Highway Closure By-law #2022-062. Road closure is scheduled for July 18, 2022 at 7:00am and required to be in place until completion, anticipated by November 18. 2022 at 7:00pm. In the event of unforeseen issues or inclement weather, July 19 at 7:00am may be used as an alternative date to close the road.

The detour routes will incorporate Sideroads 10 and 15 to the 8th Line, as identified in the attached Location and Traffic Detour Plan for reference. The Contractor is required to maintain one lane of vehicular traffic during working hours for local traffic only. In some cases, access may only be available from either Sideroad 10 or Sideroad 15. You will be notified when these restrictions are in place.

Construction and advisory signs will be erected prior to construction. Signed detour routes will be provided to direct motorists around the road closure. We advise that when driving or walking through and around the construction work zone, that you follow and obey the construction signage for your safety and for the safety of the workers.

You will experience some delays and inconvenience during this time, and in this regard, we respectfully ask for your cooperation and patience in order to complete this project in a timely and efficient manner. Should you have any questions or concerns related to this project, please contact the following project team:

Field Construction Representative:
Consultant Inspector

Keith do Rego Triton Engineering Services Ltd 229 Broadway, Unit 1 Orangeville, Ontario, L9W 1K4
Office: 519-941-0330 Cell: 519-993-4228
Email: kdorego@tritoneng.on.ca

 Project Management Representatives:

Consultant Project Manager
Taylor Kramp, P. Eng.
Triton Engineering Services Ltd 229 Broadway, Unit 1 Orangeville, Ontario, L9W 1K4
Office: 519-941-0330 Cell: 519-831-8626
Email: tkramp@tritoneng.on.ca

Town Project Manager
Frank Craparotta, C.E.T., rcji,

Project Manager, Capital Engineering Department

Town of New Tecumseth
10 Wellington Street East Alliston, Ontario, L9R 1A1 Office: 704-415-3096

Traffic and Detour Map

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the construction Work hours?
Work will take place between 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. In the event of extreme or emergency situations, Work may take place after hours and /or on weekends and only with the Town’s approval, however not anticipated.

What kind of inconveniences are expected during construction?
You may experience dust, noise and other inconveniences. The Town will make every effort to reduce and mitigate the impacts.

Additionally, driveway access may be disrupted from time to time. As required, personnel on-site will coordinate any driveway disruptions/closures with residents to minimize the length of closure and to ensure alternate parking arrangements are made. Any Residents that require special accommodations that could be adversely affected by driveway access interruptions are asked to contact the Consultant Field Representative identified within this Notice as soon as possible.

Will our general garbage, yard waste and recycling service be disrupted during construction?
Please have your waste and recycle bins out at the end of your driveway prior to 7:00 am on your regularly scheduled pick up day. The Contractor will relocate the bins as necessary to enable the County’s solid waste contractors to gain access to them. We ask that you label your municipal address on all bins to assist us in returning them.

Will our mail delivery be disrupted during construction?
Mail delivery will continue throughout construction and the Contractor will coordinate any required mailbox relocations with Canada Post. If mailbox relocations are required, further notice will be provided to residents.

Will the school bus services be disrupted during construction?
The Contractor will coordinate the school bus arrangements with the County’s School Bus Consortium. If any adjustments to the route or pick up/drop off locations are required due to the construction, further notice will be provided prior to school beginning in September.

Will my utilities be disrupted during construction?
Telephone, electrical, cable TV and gas services should not be affected by the construction, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

Who do I call if I have a problem with the Construction activities?
For an immediate response, please contact the Town’s Project Management Representative identified within this Notice.

Other Important Information:

Building Pre-construction Survey
Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor will also be carrying out a pre-construction survey of the project area including structures within 50m of the Town’s right of way limits. This is to provide a record in the unlikely event that any damage occurs as a result of the construction activities. The survey will consist of an inspection of both the interior and exterior of buildings/property to verify existing conditions. A separate notice from OZA Inspections Ltd. will be circulated to schedule these surveys with affected residents. Participation is on a voluntarily basis, however recommended as we note that it is important measure to determine if any losses are caused by the construction activities.

The Town will not be responsible for damages to any privately owned items on Town property.
Property owners should remove items located within Town property limits, such as landscaping and/or decorative objects. If you have a sprinkler system and/or septic bed located in close proximity to the Town property limits, please contact the Consultant Field Representative identified within this Notice.

Construction involves the use of heavy equipment and the unavoidable creation of obstacles. These circumstances are often attractive to children, and as such, we ask that you please caution your children to stay clear of the construction work zone.

While the contractor is required to conduct the Works in a safe manner, we ask that you please take extra caution during the construction period as an additional measure.

Access for Agricultural Purposes
Due to the nature of the Works and depending on the location of construction operations, safe access may not always be permitted for large agricultural equipment. If access is required within the construction limits, we ask that you contact the Consultant Field Representative to coordinate an accommodation to the extent possible.

Project Notices 

Notice for Start of Construction - April 21, 2023

Notice of Construction Activities and Road Closure Update - May 9, 2023

Notice for Saturday Work - May 30, 2023