Public Information Centre Drainage Master Plan Study

Notice of Public Information Centre

Drainage Master Plan Study – Phase 2 

The Town of New Tecumseth has initiated a town‐wide Drainage Master Plan Study (DMP). The DMP will provide a long‐term flood mitigation strategy to improve the Town’s drainage system and reduce flood risks to property, public safety, and the environment. The DMP builds upon the Town’s Official Plan (2019) and is being completed in accordance with Provincial plans and policies. This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Natural Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP).

This DMP Study is being completed following Approach #2 of the Master Plan process set out by the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA). Upon completion of the study, a Study Report will be prepared for public and agency review and comment. The study is being completed in two phases:

Phase 1 – Flood Risk Assessment Study was completed in March 2020 and it focused on assessing riverine systems to identify flood risk areas within the Town and recommend areas for focus for the Phase 2 study of the DMP. This study will also be used to develop the problem and opportunity statement for the Phase 2 study.

Phase 2 – Flood Mitigation Study will refine the riverine flood model as recommended in Phase 1 and develop a system‐wide storm sewer model for the three communities of Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham. Detailed assessment of the Town’s drainage system will be completed based on the results of the dual drainage modelling. The flood risk assessment will inform the development and evaluation of flood mitigation alternative solutions to provide recommendations input for a capital program to 2031. Phase 2 will culminate with recommended flood mitigation solutions and an implementation plan to prioritize capital works.

The first Public Information Centre for Drainage Master Plan is posted online. 

The study team will present a project overview, the flood risk assessment completed to date and next steps. Project information will be made available to the public at the website below to allow local residents and interested members of the public an opportunity to review project information and provide input. We would like your input and feedback on project work to date and your experiences with local flooding. This feedback will assist the project team as we move forward to assess flood mitigation solutions.

Please review the online presentation and share your ideas and concerns about this exciting project!

If you have any questions or comments regarding the project or wish to be placed on the project mailing list, please email

Drainage Master Plan Project Team 

Kamran Khurshid, PMP

Project Manager, Capital Engineering Town of New Tecumseth

10 Wellington St. E. Alliston, ON L9R 1A1

Karen Hofbauer, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Consultant Project Manager Matrix Solutions Inc.

Unit 7B, 650 Woodlawn Rd. W. Guelph, ON N1K 1B8 


This project is being undertaken through the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Master Planning process, as outlined in the “Municipal Class Environmental Assessment” document (October 2000, amended in 2011), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Any personal information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act and will be used in the assessment process. With exception of personal information, all comments shall become part of the public records. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Project Manager listed above. 

This notice was first issued on March 10, 2022.