Register for the 2022 Temporary Patio Program

News Release Date: February 16, 2022 

Registration opens for Town’s 2022 Temporary Patio Program 

NEW TECUMSETH, ON – Patio season is just around the corner! Starting today, restaurants looking to establish or expand patio spaces can register and apply for permits by visiting

The Town’s Temporary Restaurant Patio Program provides food and beverage establishments with the opportunity to take advantage of the summer weather and offer safe, temporary outdoor dining areas to their customers. 

Subject to the program’s conditions and public health measures, patios can operate in parking lots and adjacent premises on restaurants’ private property, as well as on municipal sidewalks at restaurants located in the downtowns of Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham. 

To assist the local business community in its recovery from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, no municipal fees will be charged to participating establishments in 2022. 

Further details about the program, including information on how to register, can be found at


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