Tottenham Transmission Main update

Updated July 14, 2022: 

Town of New Tecumseth Council and staff gathered July 14 for a special valve turning ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Tottenham Transmission Main (TTM) project which has been supplying water from Alliston/Beeton to Tottenham since June 1, 2022. 

“It is an absolute pleasure to be here today, to officially turn the valve and celebrate the completion of this very important project that provides our residents of Tottenham with water from Georgian Bay,” said New Tecumseth Mayor Rick Milne. 

The Town’s June 2022 Water Quality Report shows a reduction upwards of 50 per cent in Trihalomethane (THM) levels in Tottenham when compared to the May 2022 Water Quality Report. The current THM Running Annual Average (RAA) has been reduced to 82.7 µg/l and is expected to continue to decrease as the TTM is utilized as the RAA is based on the last four (4) Quarters (July 2021 – June 2022). 

Iron levels in the Tottenham Water System have also decreased by approximately 50 per cent since the TTM has come online. 

The Water Quality Reports are posted monthly.

Council at valve turning


Notice of Tottenham Transmission Main (TTM) start-up and substantial completion:

Please be advised that the Tottenham Transmission Main (TTM) project is substantially complete and is expected to start-up and provide water to Tottenham by June 1st, 2022. Upon start-up of the TTM, the system will undergo a two (2) week monitoring program by the project team, consisting of the Town, RV Anderson & Associates, and Avertex Utility Solutions.

Once fully commissioned, the TTM will become the primary water supply in Tottenham by replacing the existing groundwater well supply with the water supply from Alliston/Beeton, which is supplied from Collingwood. The use of the existing groundwater wells will be limited to operational and maintenance needs, which is only expected to be for a couple hours each week, and to augment water supply during times of system wide high demands (i.e., during long dry periods in the peak of summer).

During this time, the Town would like to note the following with the change in water supply:

• There is potential for temporary discoloured water that may occur during the switchover. The Town has been flushing the existing distribution over the last few weeks to assist with removal of legacy manganese and iron from the previous groundwater well supply.
• Residents should also consider flushing their hot water tanks.
• There will be a change in hardness of the water and residents with home water softeners may need to change their settings
• Potential impact on home dialysis equipment needs for dialysis patients

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact or alternatively by phone at:

Public Works: (705) 435-3900 - Option 4
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
After Hours: 1 (877) 274-0031
24-Hour Emergency Number

 Notice of TTM Start-Up (PDF)