
Candidate Information Sessions

Candidate and Third-Party Advertiser Information Session from April 7th - PowerPoint and Recording now available.

So You Want to Run for Council on May 12th at 6:00pm - PowerPoint and Recording now available.

Candidate Corporate Information Session (virtual) on July 21 at 6:00pm - PowerPoint and Recording now available.


It is recommended that candidates wait until their nomination has been filed to open a bank account as some financial institutions charge fees. Banking fees are considered a campaign expense and cannot be incurred prior to a nomination being filed. The nomination filing fee is a personal expense.


Candidate Nomination Process - It's As Easy as 1,2,3

Step 1: Check Eligibility


 Candidates for Municipal Office

To run for municipal office, a person must be:

• A Canadian Citizen

• At least 18 years old

• A resident of the Town of New Tecumseth or own or lease property (or be the spouse of the owner or leasee) in the Town of New Tecumseth.

• Not legally prohibited from voting.

• Not disqualified by any legislation from holding office.


Who is not eligible to be a mayor, deputy mayor or council candidate

The following people are disqualified from being elected as a member of council, or from holding office as a member of council:

  • any person who is not eligible to vote in the municipality
  • a judge of any court
  • a member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination
  • an inmate serving a sentence in a penal or correctional institution
  • a candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement or exceeded the prescribed spending limit in the last municipal election or by-election

Town of New Tecumseth employees

  • Employees of the Town of New Tecumseth who wish to run for mayor, deputy mayor or councillor must take an unpaid leave of absence before filing a nomination paper.
  • The employee must provide a copy of the documentation showing that they have taken the leave of absence and the effective date.
Candidates for School Board Trustee

To run for any of the four school boards, a person must be:

  • a Canadian citizen
  • at least 18 years of age
  • a resident in the area of jurisdiction* of the board
  • not legally prohibited from voting
  • not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office


Who is not eligible to be a school board trustee candidate

The following people are disqualified from being elected as a school board trustee, or from holding office on any school board:

  • any person who is not eligible to vote in the school board election
  • a clerk, treasurer, deputy-clerk or deputy-treasurer of any municipality within the area of jurisdiction of the school board except those on an unpaid leave of absence
  • a member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination
  • a judge of any court
  • an inmate serving a sentence in a penal or correctional institution
  • a candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement or exceeded the prescribed spending limit in the last municipal election or by-election

School board employees

  • Employees of any school board (including supply teachers) are disqualified from being elected as school board trustee or from holding office on any school board, except during a leave of absence.
  • The employee must be on a leave of absence before filing their nomination paper.
  • They must provide the Clerk with documentation showing that they have taken the leave of absence and the effective date.


Step 2: Learn About the Office

You can become a candidate for:

  • Mayor
  • Deputy Mayor
  • Councillor Ward 1
  • Councillor Ward 2
  • Councillor Ward 3
  • Councillor Ward 4
  • Councillor Ward 5
  • Councillor Ward 6
  • Councillor Ward 7
  • Councillor Ward 8
  • Trustee, Simcoe County District School Board
  • Trustee, Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
  • Trustee, Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud Mon Avenir
  • Trustee, Conseil scolaire Viamonde

To learn more about these offices, please visit the following websites:

 Step 3: File Your Nomination

If a person wishes to run as a candidate in the Town of New Tecumseth municipal and school board election, they must first file their nomination forms in person with the Town Clerk’s Office.  The first day to file nomination forms will be May 2, 2022.


It is recommended that candidates wait until their nomination has been filed to open a bank account as some financial institutions charge fees. Banking fees are considered a campaign expense and cannot be incurred prior to a nomination being filed. The nomination filing fee is a personal expense.


Please see below nomination packages for download. 

Download your Council Candidate Nomination Package

Download your School Board Trustee Nomination Package

Nomination forms are available in hard copy at the Town Administration Centre at 10 Wellington St E, Alliston.

Registered Candidates

Registered Candidates


Updates for Candidates

FAQ for Candidates

Do I need to make an appointment to file my nomination forms?

  • All nominations must be officially registered with the Clerk’s Office at the Town of New Tecumseth during regular business hours. It is recommended that all candidates schedule a time to meet with the Clerk or Deputy Clerk to register their nomination.

Can I electronically submit my nomination forms?

  • No, all nomination forms must include original signature and be officially registered with the Clerk’s Office in person. 

How will my name appear on the ballot?

  • Write down your name as you want it to appear on the ballot.   If you normally go by a different name than your legal first name, you may use that name provided that the clerk agrees.
  • You do not have to provide all your names under the box entitled “Given Name(s)” on the form. Only provide the one(s) that you want to appear on the ballot. If your legal name is a single name you do not have to provide any given names.

Do I have to wait to open a bank account until I file my nomination forms?

  • It is recommended that candidates wait until their nomination has been filed to open a bank account as some financial institutions charge fees. Banking fees are considered a campaign expense and cannot be incurred prior to a nomination being filed. The nomination filing fee is a personal expense.

How do Social Media sites impact my election campaign?

  • Please click here for information on campaigning and candidate social media sites
 Candidate Updates
 Candidate Update #1 - May 10, 2022

Throughout your election campaign, the Clerk’s Office will provide election updates and information on Town hosted workshops through email distribution.   A summary of candidate questions and answers will also be provided during that time.   As a reminder, should you have questions concerning the election or about the corporation in general, please email us and a member of the Election Team will provide you with a timely response.


Internet and Optical Scan Tabulator Procedures

For the 2022 Municipal and School Board Election, the Town of New Tecumseth will provide electors with the opportunity to vote by paper or electronically (internet).  Attached to this email are the procedures for both the Optical Scan Tabulators ( to count paper ballots) and electronic (internet) voting.  Should you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact us.  The procedures will also be posted to the election webpage for public information.    

Internet Voting Procedures

Tabulator Procedures


Two Upcoming Workshops

So You Want to Run for Council?  Thursday, May 12th at 6 p.m. (virtual session – registration required)

Fred Dean, a municipal trainer and former municipal solicitor will be the guest speaker.  Fred will provide an overview of the scope of duties, workload and impact on family life, so potential candidates can better understand what they are signing up for.  

For more information or to register, please visit

Town of New Tecumseth - Candidate Corporate Information Session  (Registration will open early next week)

Two sessions:   Monday, June 6th – 1 p.m. at the Alliston Memorial Arena

                       Monday, June 6th – 6 p.m. at the Beeton Community Memorial Centre

The Town of New Tecumseth will be hosting two (in person) candidate corporate information sessions.  Come out and learn about the corporation, the role of council and staff as well as what to expect if elected to office.  There will also be some further information presented on the election and what you need to know as a candidate.   In addition to Town staff presentations, a representative from the County of Simcoe will be in attendance to review County roles and responsibilities. 


Summary of Candidate Questions and Answers

1. Can I use a credit card to pay for campaign expenses?

In accordance with page 21 of the 2022 Candidates Guide “Expenses must be paid from your campaign bank account.  If you use a credit card to pay for purchases you should make sure that you keep clear records showing that the expense on the credit card was reimbursed from the campaign account”.


2. I’m not sure if one of the criteria under the declaration of qualification requirements disqualifies me from seeking office. How do I confirm?

If a candidate is unsure if they qualify to run for office, they should seek legal advice.   A candidate is responsible for determining their eligibility to run for municipal or school board offices.


3. Does the Sign Deposit have to come out of my campaign account?

The 2022 Candidate’s guide states “If your municipality requires a deposit for election signs, this should be recorded as a campaign expense and paid for using campaign funds.  If your deposit is refunded, record the amount under income.”


4. Can a fundraiser generate revenue that is not considered to be a contribution?

Yes, the fundraiser may generate revenue that is not considered to be a contribution as follows:

  • Donations of $25 or less
  • If goods or services are offered for sale, the market value of those goods or services sold
  • The amount paid for goods or services offered for sale for $25 or less.  (page 34 of 2022 Candidates Guide)


5. Can I accept contributions of more than $25 in cash?

Only a contribution that is $25 or less can be made in cash.  All contributions above $25 must be made by cheque, money order or by a method that clearly shows where the funds came from (such as certain debit, credit or electronic transfer transactions)


6. I want to hold a fundraiser.   How do I record revenues and expenses on my financial statements?

Fundraisers can only be held during your campaign period. You must record the gross income (including ticket revenue and other revenue) and the expenses related to each event and activity on your campaign financial statement.

If you sell tickets to an event, the ticket price is considered to be a contribution to your campaign and you must issue a receipt to each person who purchases tickets. If the ticket price is higher than $25, tickets cannot be paid for in cash.

While most of your expenses will be subject to the general spending limit, the following expenses are not:

  • expenses related to holding a fundraising event or activity


7. Can I share social media posts from the Town on my campaign website?

Although there are rules preventing the use of the corporate logo and corporate brands on your social media and websites, sharing Town media releases or social media posts is permitted.   This is public information and the Town would like it to be shared with as many residents as possible.   

Candidate Update #2 - May 20, 2022
Candidate Corporate Information Session – Registration Open.

The Town of New Tecumseth will be hosting two (in person) candidate corporate information sessions.  Come out and learn about the corporation, the role of council and staff as well as what to expect if elected to office.  There will also be some further information presented on the election and what you need to know as a candidate.   In addition to Town staff presentations, the County of Simcoe will also be in attendance to review County roles and responsibilities. 

To register for this event, please visit

Event dates:  June 6th – 1 p.m. – Alliston Memorial Arena

                    June 6th – 6 p.m. - Beeton Community Memorial Centre


Use of Municipal Resources During Election Campaign Period policy

Section 5.4.2 in this policy has been amended through the powers of the Clerk to provide greater clarity.  The change relates to distinguishing the difference between a member of council’s social media account used solely for that purpose and a personal social media account.   The amendment to the policy is as follows:

Existing social media accounts used by Members solely for their work as a Member of Council should not be re-designated as a campaign or third party advertising site. If a Member uses their personal social Policy media account for election related purposes/activities, such account may not be used for Town purposes, must not be created, or supported by Town resources, and must not use the elected Member’s title or the Town logo. To avoid confusion, Members who choose to use social media accounts for election related communications must include a clear statement on each campaign account’s homepage indicating that the account is being used for campaign purposes.

The revised policy has been updated to the candidate information package at


Campaigning at Town operated or hosted events

With the warmer weather upon us, and the start of community events happening every weekend, Candidates are reminded that no campaigning is permitted at any Town-operated or hosted event.   E.g. Canada Day celebrations, etc.  


Election Signs

As a reminder, Election Signs are not to be erected until 45 days prior to election day.  Election Sign deposits can be paid anytime after a candidate has registered their nomination and opened up a campaign bank account.   The Election Sign Deposit would qualify as an election expense.  


Summary of Candidate Questions and Answers

1. What is the individual limit for contributions to my campaign?

 As per page 19 of the 2022 Candidate’s Guide “there is a $1200 limit that applies to contributions from other individuals.   If a person makes more than one contribution (for example, contributes money, contributes goods, and purchases a ticket to a fundraising event), the total value of all contributions cannot exceed $1200.”

“The maximum total amount that a contributor can give to candidates in the same jurisdiction (for example, running for the same council or the same school board) is $5000.”


2. Can I hand out doorknockers and brochures?

Yes, once you file your nomination paper with the Clerk’s Office you are permitted to start campaigning.   The only material distribution restriction relates to erecting election signs (45 days prior to election day)


3. Are Candidate t-shirts and hats permitted prior to the September 9th. 

Yes, once you file your nomination paper with the Clerk’s Office you are permitted to start campaigning.   The only material distribution restriction relates to erecting election signs (45 days prior to election day) 

Candidate Update #3 - June 17, 2022

Corporate Candidate Information Session 

Mark your calendars and register – July 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. the Town will be hosting a virtual Candidate Corporate Information Session.   Tune in to learn about the corporation, the role of council and staff as well as what to expect if elected to office.  There will also be some further information presented on the election and what you need to know as a candidate.   In addition to Town staff presentations, the County of Simcoe will also be in attendance to review County roles and responsibilities. 

To register for this event, please visit is up and running.   Please encourage all voters you speak with to check they are on the voters list.   It takes but a moment and will ensure they receive the proper information to vote come October.


Advance Voting Locations

The Town will be utilizing online and paper ballot voting during the Advance Voting period. 

Online Voting – open 24 hours a day will run from October 11th – 10 a.m. to Election Day.    Online Voting will also be permitted and carried through for the entirety of Election Day.

Advance Polling Locations for Paper Ballots (in person):

There will be 3 advance voting days for all wards.     The locations are below.


Thursday, October 13th, 2022

Beeton Memorial Arena

10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

All Wards


Saturday, October 16th, 2022

Alliston Memorial Arena

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

All Wards


Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

Tottenham Community and Fitness Centre

10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

All Wards


Candidate Questions:

1. Can I state my current and previous council experience on a hard copy brochure or leaflet?

Yes, you can state your current or previous experience on council.   Please note, that any references cannot include the Town’s corporate logo, brand, flag, other marks, chain of office, etc.  

Candidate Update #4 - June 24, 2022
Corporate Candidate Information Session 

Mark your calendars and register – July 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. the Town will be hosting a virtual Candidate Corporate Information Session.   Tune in to learn about the corporation, the role of council and staff as well as what to expect if elected to office.  There will also be some further information presented on the election and what you need to know as a candidate.   In addition to Town staff presentations, the County of Simcoe will also be in attendance to review County roles and responsibilities. 

To register for this event, please visit is up and running.   Please encourage all voters you speak with to check they are on the voters list.   It takes but a moment and will ensure they receive the proper information to vote come October.


Interactive Ward Map

The interactive Ward Map provides an opportunity to enter a New Tecumseth Address and verify the ward location.   This interactive tool can be found on the Town’s Election website at: Ward Maps


Candidate Phone Numbers

As a reminder, there can be no use of corporate (Town of New Tecumseth) phone numbers for campaign purposes as provided under the Use of Corporate Resources Policy.   

Candidate Update #5 - July 12, 2022

Corporate Candidate Information Session 

Mark your calendars and register – July 21, 2022 at 6 p.m. the Town will be hosting a virtual Candidate Corporate Information Session.   Tune in to learn about the corporation, the role of council and staff as well as what to expect if elected to office.  There will also be some further information presented on the election and what you need to know as a candidate.   In addition to Town staff presentations, the County of Simcoe will also be in attendance to review County roles and responsibilities. 

To register for this event, please visit is up and running.   Please encourage all voters you speak with to check they are on the voters list.   It takes but a moment and will ensure they receive the proper information to vote come October.


Advance Voting Locations

The Town will be utilizing online and paper ballot voting during the Advance Voting period. 

Online Voting – open 24 hours a day will run from October 11th – 10 a.m. to Election Day.    Online Voting will also be permitted and carried through for the entirety of Election Day.

Advance Polling Locations for Paper Ballots (in person):

There will be 3 advance voting days for all wards.     The locations are below.


Thursday, October 13th, 2022

Beeton Memorial Arena

10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

All Wards


Saturday, October 16th, 2022

Alliston Memorial Arena

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

All Wards


Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

Tottenham Community and Fitness Centre

10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

All Wards


Candidate Questions:

1. Can I state my current and previous council experience on a hard copy brochure or leaflet?

Yes, you can state your current or previous experience on council.   Please note, that any references cannot include the Town’s corporate logo, brand, flag, other marks, chain of office, etc.  


Over the last few days, there has been several questions regarding the use of corporate resource policy.    A further email will be sent out to all candidates regarding these questions and answers in the next candidate update.

Candidate Update #6 - July 15, 2022

Today marks 100 days until the Election!  

Next Thursday, July 21st at 6 p.m. the Town will be hosting a virtual Candidate Corporate Information Session.    Come out and learn more about the Corporation (Town of New Tecumseth)  and a little bit more about what to expect during the election.    Topics to be discussed include:

  • Running a Town – Understand what it takes to run a Town
  • The Role – Understand what your role will include upon being elected.
  • Discuss Real Issues – Improve your ability to discuss Town matters on the campaign trail.
  • Election 101 – What you need to know as a Candidate
    • Online Voting Demonstration
    • By-law Enforcement will explain the do’s and don’ts for election signs.


To register for this event, please visit   

Candidate Update #7 - July 27, 2022

In Person Voting Locations - Election Day:

Monday, October 24th 2022

10:00am to 8:00 pm


Ward One:

Alliston Union Public School

211 Church Street North, Alliston ON

Room: Gym


Ward Two:

Ernest Cumberland Elementary School

160 8th Ave, Alliston ON

Room: Gym


Ward Three:

Banting Memorial High School

203 Victoria Street East, Alliston ON

Room: Gym - 161 

Entrance facing Lorne Street


Ward 4 & Ward 5:

Nottawasaga Inn

6015 Hwy 89, Alliston ON

Room: Champaign Ball Room - Room #15


Ward 6:

Tecumseth Beeton Elementary School

43 Pattern St North, Beeton ON

Room: Gym


Ward 7 & Ward 8:

Tottenham Fitness & Community Centre

139 Queen Street North, Tottenham, ON

Room: Gym


Voting Opportunities will also be made available on Voting Day to residents of institutions and retirement homes at those locations. Those voting opportunities will only be available to institution residents and will not be open to the public.


Voter List Sign Up – Potato Festival – Here We Come ! 

The Clerk’s Office will be “hitting the road” to attend Potato Festival. We will be available Saturday morning to check if electors are on the Voter’s List.     Please drop by and say hello!


Election Worker Recruitment – Starting next week

Election Worker recruitment will begin next week.   Any members of the public interested should go to the Town’s website and complete an on-line application form.   Public announcements will begin next week for recruitment.


Candidate Updates

If you have registered recently and missed the first few candidate updates – not to worry!    All previous candidate updates will be uploaded this morning to the candidate’s page of the Town’s website. 


Summary of Most Recent Questions from Candidates

1. Can I pay for expenses from my personal credit card and reimburse the credit card from my campaign account? Is this allowable?

Expenses must be paid from your campaign bank account. If you use a credit card to pay for purchases you should make sure that you keep clear records showing that the expense on the credit card was reimbursed from the campaign account.


2. Can I post pictures of events in Town parks or at Town hosted or operated events (eg: Canada day celebrations, Mayor’s Rodeo, Mayor’s Breakfast, etc)?

The Use of Corporate Resources policy indicates that there is no campaigning permitted at Town hosted or operated events.   This includes virtually campaigning by posting pictures/videos to social media that you were present.    This rule only applies to Social media candidate pages.  Section 5.2.2 of the same policy states “Candidates cannot use any Town owned or operated facilities, including parks for any election related purpose…”  Candidates are reminded to review the social media reference document sent out last week and posted to the candidate portion of the Town’s website. 


3. What time does in person voting start on Election Day?

10 a.m.


4. Will Election Workers be attending Long Term Care Facilities?

 Yes.   Voting will be conducted at all long-term care facilities in New Tecumseth.   The voting will be conducted for residents only.


5. Are Robo Calls permitted?

Yes, Robo Calls are permitted, however, all campaign advertisement, regardless of medium, must follow Corporate policy and the Municipal Elections Act (MEA).


6. If your Financials have to be audited do these funds come out of your campaign spending limits?

Auditor’s report

You must have an auditor review your financial statement and provide a report if any of the

following are true:

  • your campaign expenses exceed $10,000
  • the contributions you received (including contributions from yourself) exceed a total of $10,000
  • both your expenses and your contributions exceed $10,000 each

The auditor’s report must be prepared by an auditor licensed under the Public Accounting Act,

2004. Before you hire someone to prepare the report, ensure that they are properly qualified.

You can incur expenses relating to the auditor’s report after January 3, 2023. These expenses

do not count toward your spending limit. Include these expenses on the financial statement that you are filing.

Candidate Update #8 - August 9, 2022
Election Signs

Election Sign Deposits can occur at any time.  Please remember, you must take your election sign deposit from your campaign account.   The deposit is $300.    Signs can be put up as early as Friday, September 9th.  


Election Worker Recruitment

Any members of the public interested in an election worker position should go to   Applications can be completed directly from the Town’s home page.   Recruitment closes August 26, 2022.  


Voter’s List – Candidate Access

Candidates will be given access to the Voter’s List Thursday, September 1st.   For Candidates who selected the electronic voter’s list, a brief virtual demonstration of how the system works will be provided by the Clerk’s Office.  Stay tuned for the date.


Logic and Accuracy Training 

Logic and accuracy training will occur in the council chambers Wednesday (morning), September 28th.  Time will be announced shortly.


Candidate Nomination Deadline
  • On Nomination Day (Friday, August 19th) nominations may only be filed between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  • A candidate who wishes to withdraw their nomination must notify the clerk in writing before 2 p.m. on nomination day.
  • A candidate who wishes to change offices, must complete a separate nomination form (and applicable) election document prior to 2 p.m. on Nomination Day.    25 signature endorsements are transferrable.


Candidate Nomination Certifications
  • All nominations will be certified as soon as possible after the Nomination deadline.    Registered candidates will be announced by Monday, August 22, 2022, 4 p.m.  


Previous Candidate Updates

Previous candidate updates will be posted regularly to the Candidate Election Page.  It is recommended all newly registered candidates review previous updates for key information.  


Candidate Social Media

The Clerk’s Office has received several calls/emails regarding candidate social media sites.     Please read the do’s and don’ts published recently to ensure you are following the proper guidelines.   Remember campaigning can mean “in person” or “virtual”. Provisions in the Use of Corporate Use Policy should be applied whether campaigning in person or virtually on social media sites.


Questions from Candidates
  1. Can I link my candidate to the Town’s Election page to share information eg: Ward Search, Voter information, etc.

Yes, please feel free to share information to assist voters with this election.   Should voters have questions on the process, please direct them our way and a member of the Clerk’s Office Team would be happy to assist.   

Candidate Update #9 - September 7, 2022

Good Afternoon Candidates

Over the last few weeks, there have been several requests for candidate clarification regarding the Use of Municipal Resources During Election Campaign policy.   There have also been several complaints filed.    To further clarify process and provide an efficient response to candidate inquiries, the attached procedure has been created.    This procedure comes into effect immediately.

Should you have any question related to the implementation or process in this procedure, please let me know.

Candidate Update #10 - September 20, 2022

Good Morning Candidates.

Here is your latest candidate update.


Election Signs:

Please ensure you have submitted your $300 deposit to Town Hall (from your candidate campaign account) prior to placing any signs in the community.   If you have questions or complaints regarding election signs, please send them directly to the by-law department.  A member of our by-law team will be assigned to investigate or respond back to your question or complaint directly.

Election signs are enforced by complaint only. 


Election Sign Theft:

Any election sign theft should be reported to the OPP directly.  


Voter’s List Amendments Online:

Should an elector’s name not appear on the voters list or their information needs to be amended please direct them to the online portal at:

Electors can also connect directly to this page by visiting the town’s website and clicking on the picture directly at the top of the page.  Please note, should an elector choose to register or amend their name online, rather than in person at Town Hall, they will still need to submit a copy of their identification showing their name and qualifying address.


Voter Letters:

Voter letters should be received by electors the last week of September – first week of October.  


Logic and Accuracy Testing **Date change**:

The Logic and Accuracy Testing has been changed to Friday, September 30th at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers.  Anyone interested to see the testing of tabulators and online voting module should plan to attend.


Questions from Candidates:

Am I prohibited from using one or more of the same colours (or likeness) the Town uses for my election signs?

The Town does not have any restrictions regarding the use of colour for your advertising materials or signs.  The Elections Act states that your campaign signs and other advertising must identify that you are responsible for the sign. This is so that people seeing the sign or advertisement can tell that it is from your campaign, rather than from a third party advertiser.


Please note that :

The Town’s corporate logo, brand, flag, other marks, chain of office etc. shall not be used for any election related purpose/activity or third party advertising or included on any campaigning or third party related material including, but not limited to, print, signs, website, social media, or electronic publication.


Where can campaign brochures, post cards, etc be placed?

Advertising post cards and signs etc can be placed in external establishments with permissions and in accordance with the sign by-law.  They cannot be placed in any Town owned or operated facility as  per the Use of Municipal Resources During Election Campaign Period policy.


When will the final campaign expenses be provided?

The Municipal Elections Act requires the Clerk to calculate final campaign expenses based on the September 15th Voter List numbers.   The Act further requires the Clerk to provide this information to candidates prior to September 25, 2022.    The final expense calculations have been finalized.  Candidates should have received an email yesterday (Monday) with these calcuations.


Is the web address for online voting publicly available yet?



Can I create a voter information graphic or video?

No.  Voter instructions should come from the Clerk’s Office.  We are taking into consideration all candidate suggestions and will be providing information to voters and candidates shortly.  Candidate’s are welcome to share information produced from the Clerk’s Office.


Can I use a Town election event and advertise it as my own event on Facebook?

Candidates are permitted to share town social media posts.  Any candidate who chooses to modify a social media post by adding text should consult the “Use of Municipal Resources During Election Campaign Period” policy to ensure their actions comply.


Can my baseball team wear my campaign shirts at a community event and ball tournament on Town property? If not, what happens if I decide to break the rules? 

A candidate or Third-Party advertiser is not permitted to use any town owned or operated facilities, including parks for any election related purposes.  The policy exempts election materials displayed and distributed inside a facility rented and in accordance with the rental permit issued.  This is outlined under section 5.2.2 of the “Use of Municipal Resources During Election Campaign Period” policy.    


Under Section 88.33(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, an elector, who believes on reasonable grounds that a candidate has contravened a provision of this Act relating to election campaign finances may apply for a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances.   Under the same legislation, a person who does not want to or who is not able to apply for a compliance audit may decide to commence legal action on their own.


What is the penalty for using Town property to campaign a first time? Second time? Third time? Or, is there no penalty for breaking the rules?


Under Section 88.33(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, an elector, who believes on reasonable grounds that a candidate has contravened a provision of this Act relating to election campaign finances may apply for a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances.   Under the same legislation, a person who does not want to or who is not able to apply for a compliance audit may decide to commence legal action on their own.


Can the compliance audit committee make rulings and impose penalties on candidates who break the rules by campaigning on Town property?  If so, how? If not, who does?  

The Compliance Audit Committee may:

    • Grant an elector’s application for a compliance audit;
    • Appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit of a candidate’s election campaign finances;
    • Commence legal proceedings against the candidate for an apparent contravention as outlined in the Auditor’s report.

Only the courts can impose penalties under the Municipal Elections Act.


How many complaints total has the clerk’s office received about candidates using Town properly to campaign? 

The Clerk has received 11 complaints.

Candidate Update #11 - October 7, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!  Wishing you each a wonderful weekend!  


Voting starts Tuesday!

As you get even busier over the next two weeks, please remember to Vote!   

Online Voting will commence at 10 a.m. Tuesday, October 11th.    


Advance Voting locations will be held as follows (paper ballot):

Beeton Memorial Arena

Thursday, October 13th 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Alliston Memorial Arena

Saturday, October 15th 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Tottenham Community and Fitness Centre

Wednesday, October 19th 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Town Hall – Voting Location

 The Town Hall will continue to operate as a Voter Help Centre.  As of Tuesday, October 11th, we will also be providing access to a computer for residents who wish to vote online (in the lobby).   This will transition Town Hall to a Voting Location.   Please ensure if you visiting Town Hall that you do not have any campaign material with you.    Any vehicles with signs (example – magnetic signs) will not be able to park within 50 metres of Town Hall property lines.   


Voter Video – Online Voting

Our Communications Team have put together a video to promote online voting.  Please feel free to share on your social media pages.


Internet and Tabulator Voting Procedures - Updated

Attached are the updated internet and tabulators voting procedures.

Tabulator procedures have been updated to remove continuous use during advance voting days.    Our current supply eliminates the need to re-use tabulators for different voting days.   

Internet Voting procedures have been updated to allow a voter to cast a ballot and vote for more than one candidate in each office (over vote).     This ensures consistency for an elector, whether voting electronically or by paper.   


Questions from Candidates:

If someone wants to vote for 2 out of 3 positions, how would they do that without spoiling their ballot?

An elector is able to undervote for an office(s) without spoiling their ballot for the other office(s) they made a selection on.    An undervote means submitting no votes for an office(s).


Does the Town give out information on how to contact Property owners?

No.   The Town only provides information to candidates on property owners/tenants through the voters list.
Candidate Update #12 - October 11, 2022
Voting has started!

Within the first 6 hours, 434 voters have cast their ballot online!   Leading the way – Ward 4!

First advance vote (paper ballot) will take place in Beeton this Thursday – 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Beeton Memorial Arena


Some common troubleshooting for online voting:

Missing the https:// before the voting website address.   The Town has published the direct link to the voting location at

If a voter is having problems logging in, they should delete their cache and cookies.


Questions from Candidates:

How does a voter only vote for one race when voting online?

If a voter wants to vote for one race only, they can go to the bottom left of the voting website and hit the button “Next contest” to skip a race and move to the next one.     At the end of voting, they will need to review their ballot.   For those race(s) they selected “Next Contest” and did not vote for a candidate, the voter will receive a warning message to confirm their intention to leave one or more races blank.   If the voter agrees this was their intent, they can cast their ballot.   If they do not agree, they can go back and select candidate(s) until they are satisfied with their ballot.    Once the voter selects “cast ballot” the ballot is in the ballot box.


What company is running online voting system?

Dominion Voting is supporting both tabulators and online voting.  The Town has used Dominion Voting for several elections. 

Candidate Update #13 - October 21, 2022
 Here is your latest candidate update.


Kingsmere Retirement Home – time change**

The Election team will now be attending Kingsmere Retirement Home from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday, October 24, 2022.   This is a change from the 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. previously sent out to you.

***Please note, if you or a scrutineer plan to attend one of these voting locations, you may need to show proof of covid 19 vaccination and/or be tested prior to entry.



Results will be posted live as they come in at  Results will be updated live as they become available.  

The Town will be opening the Event’s Centre at the NTRC for candidates and members of the public wishing to watch the results together.    The Event’s Centre will be open after 7:30 p.m.



Inaugural will take place at 6 p.m. on Monday, November 21st at the Alliston Memorial Community Centre.


First Council meeting:

The first council meeting will be held on Monday, November 28, 2022.   


Wishing everyone a great weekend and best of luck on Monday! 

Candidate Update #14 - October 24, 2022

Best of luck to everyone today.   Here is your latest candidate update.


Remember to Vote:

Remember to vote!   As you get busy thinking about the results tonight, please make sure to vote.  



Results will be posted live as they come in at  Results will be updated live as they become available.  

The Town will be opening the Event’s Centre at the NTRC for candidates and members of the public wishing to watch the results together. The Event’s Centre will be open after 7:30 p.m.


Election Signs:

As a reminder, election signs must be removed within five (5) calendar days following the election. If they are not removed within this time frame, Town staff will remove the Election Signs and the deposit will be retained by the Town.


Voter Turnout Throughout the Day:

Many candidates have requested voter turnout throughout the day.   Staff will regularly post voter turnout on the Town’s social media channels. 

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