
The Town of New Tecumseth is committed to promoting community engagement through a variety of Advisory Committees, Boards and Task Forces.  To participate on a Committee,  Board or Task Force you must be a resident or a qualified rate-payer in the Town of New Tecumseth.  

Council appoints Committee/Board Members at the beginning of a Council term or when a vacancy arises.  Descriptions and online Application Forms can be found by clicking the plus signs below.  Applications Forms will only be available if we are currently accepting applications for the specified Committee, Board or Task Force. 

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Accessibility Advisory Committee's goal is to create a community with equal opportunities for all, to provide information and make recommendations to Council with regard to the Town's requirements under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and to perform duties of the Committee as specified under the Acts.

Please view the following for more information:

Alliston Business Improvement Association

The Alliston Business Improvement Association (ABIA) supports the promotion and development of the business areas of Alliston, creates a vibrant downtown to support the established businesses, entices new businesses, and validates Alliston’s image as an independent, viable progressive centre of commerce. The ABIA works to support existing businesses and encourages their expansion, while attracting new businesses to locate in the downtown.

Appeal Committee for Dangerous Dogs and Canine Control - Apply Now!

The Appeal Committee for Dangerous Dogs and Canine Control reviews and makes decisions on charges laid under the Town's Canine Control and Kennel by-laws.

Please view the following for more information

Beeton Facility Planning Task Force

The Beeton Facility Planning Task Force provides information and makes recommendations to Council with regard to the principles and guidelines that will shape the conceptual design and development of a new, multi-use Beeton Community Centre.

Please view the following for more information:

Beeton-Tottenham Business Improvement Association

The Beeton-Tottenham Business Improvement Association (BTBIA) oversees the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally owned land, buildings and structures in the area beyond that provided by the Town of New Tecumseth generally, and to promote the Beeton and Tottenham downtown areas as a business and shopping districts.

Committee of Adjustment - Apply Now!

The Committee of Adjustment approves plans and minor changes for properties based on the Planning Act.

Please view the following for more information:

Members of the public wishing to provide input regarding an agenda are requested to preregister by filling out a Request to Speak at Committee of Adjustment form.  

Environmental Advisory Committee

The mandate of the Environmental Advisory Committee is to be established after Council has completed the Strategic Plan.

Heritage New Tecumseth Advisory Committee 

The Heritage New Tecumseth Advisory Committee provides information and makes recommendations to the Council with regard to the Town's requirements under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Parts IV and V and to perform duties of the committee as specified under the Act.

Please view the following for more information:

Museum on the Boyne Advisory Committee 

The Museum on the Boyne Advisory Committee provides information and makes recommendations to Council with regard to the Museum on the Boyne.

Please view the following for more information:

New Tecumseth Public Library Board

The New Tecumseth Public Library Board promotes use of the library to fulfill the educational and recreational needs of the community.

New Tecumseth Youth Advisory Committee

The New Tecumseth Youth Advisory Committee provides advice and make recommendations to Council with regard to matters that interest and/or may affect youth in the Town of New Tecumseth, to keep Council informed of youth objectives and opportunities and to provide youth with a forum to contribute to the development of the Town of New Tecumseth.

Please view the following for more information:

Traffic Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Traffic Advisory Committee is to raise awareness, advise, and stimulate action in order to encourage and facilitate community initiatives related to active transportation and road safety policies, programs and facilities. The scope of this Committee includes vehicular and active modes of travel within the Town’s jurisdiction. As directed by Council, the specific traffic-related activities or projects the Committee will be involved in will be determined as received. Council will provide areas of concern within the Town to the Committee.

Please view the following for more information: