
Climate Change, Sustainability and Environment

Community Climate Change Action Plan

The Town of New Tecumseth’s Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) is a framework to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prepare our homes, farms, businesses, schools, and community against the impacts of climate change.

Read the Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP)
Read the County of Simcoe’s Climate Change Strategy 


Working with the community, the Town of New Tecumseth will take urgent actions to meaningfully reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. We will facilitate innovative local solutions to reduce the impacts of climate change and support a resilient, equitable and healthy community.


The aim of the Action Plan has been to develop a short and deliverable list of actions. The actions have been developed through community engagement and with input from the Town's Environmental Advisory Committee. The actions are grouped into the following themes:

Nature-based Solutions

Action: Review Town's Tree Management Policy and Technical Tree Guidelines to ensure best practices for tree management are being implemented

Action: Review Town's policy framework to promote protection of natural heritage

Municipal Leadership

Action: Develop Town Corporate Climate Change Strategy.

Action: Develop webpage to communicate Town's actions towards climate change resiliency.

Active and Sustainable Transportation

Action: Promote implementation of the Town's Multi-Modal Active Transportation Master Plan including review of supporting policy framework to promote active transportation and partnership opportunities.

Sustainable Communities

Action: Investigate feasibility of Town Green Development Standards for new development.

Action: Review Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Standards.

Action: Provide information for the development community on best practices for sustainable building and community design. Communicate changes to the Ontario Building Code relating to green building design.

Engagement and Education

Action: Review and update Town website to provide resources and awareness of sustainability measures and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including:

  • The Project Neutral Calculator to measure the carbon footprint of residents, businesses, farmers, industrial sector, municipality and developers
  • Awareness of incentives and grants, for example, for home energy retrofits
  • Increased awareness on waste (e-waste, food waste, etc.)
  • Resources related to regenerative farming
  • Resources related to Agroforestry
  • Resources about creating pollinator corridors in small spaces to support food production and offset urban heat island effect
  • Opportunities for urban farming and community gardens
  • Information on planting native plant and tree species
  • How to make homes more climate resilient for example promoting ideal mow times and ways to reduce energy and water consumption
Call for Action
 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)

A set of 17 interconnected global goals adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, they address a wide range of social, economic, and environmental challenges. Three of these goals directly relate to our community climate action plan emphasizing a need for grassroots level collaboration and engagement initiatives.
Read more on the 17 Goals

Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

Goal 13 – Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

Federal Commitments

In 2015, the Government of Canada signed the Paris Agreement along with nearly 200 other countries to limit the global average temperature rise to well below 2°C and pursue effects to limit to 1.5°C above preindustrial times. Canada continues to participate in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Conference of the Parties (COP) which meets every year with the aim of addressing greenhouse gas emissions to prevent human influence on climate change.

Canada's National Adaptation Strategy was published in June 2023 and encourages municipalities to factor climate change adaptation into their decision-making processes to ensure resilience against climate change. 

Provincial Plans

Acknowledging the rapid change in Ontario’s climate along with the need to assess and understand the future impacts on cities, communities and businesses, the Province of Ontario under the guidance of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) commissioned the Provincial Climate Change Impact Assessment (PCCIA) in 2020. The summary, findings and recommendations are presented through the following reports:

Ontario Provincial Climate Change Impact Assessment Summary Report, January 2023
Ontario Provincial Climate Change Impact Assessment Adaptation Best Practices Report, January 2023
Ontario’s Province-Wide Climate Change Impact Assessment Decision-Making Supports, January 2023
Recommendations to improve the climate resilience of homes, communities and public infrastructure in Ontario by the Advisory Panel on Climate Change, November 2021

Town Initiatives
 Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) Meetings

The purpose of the Environmental Advisory Committee is to advise, assist and make   recommendations to Council with respect to environmental, sustainability and climate change issues when directed to by Council, Town staff or on recommendation to Council by the Committee itself. The Environmental Advisory Committee shall align its work with the Town of New Tecumseth Strategic Plan to preserve and enhance the Town’s environmentally significant resources and to promote environmentally sensitive, responsible practices and development that support the Town’s natural features and to foster sustainability to help reduce the impacts of climate change. The committee meets several times a year. Visit our Committees webpage for more details.

 Community Partnerships

There is no simple answer to combatting climate change. To reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we must work as a community for larger actions in addition to taking small individual actions. We need to take a partnership approach to collaborate with community groups, organizations, and agencies to address climate change. The Town of New Tecumseth will mitigate and adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by working with the community to implement these actions. We want to create a prosperous, resilient, and healthy community that is equitable, accessible, and inclusive of urban and rural lifestyles for current and future generations.

Greys for Green and Strong Town New Tecumseth are raising awareness on climate change issues by supporting various community initiatives ranging from building sustainable communities, reducing carbon footprint to running recycling programs and helping community members connect with the environment through nature walks.

If you think your group can help the Town to address climate change, please contact the Planning Department.

 What can I do to address climate change?

One of the actions in the Community Climate Action Plan, is to provide resources and awareness of sustainability measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the Town’s website. See the list below for ways you can reduce the impact of your lifestyle on the planet and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. Small changes make big impacts! 

Use the AWorld App to understand your personal footprint and get personal and actionable tips to meet your goals.

Use the Project Neutral Calculator to measure your carbon footprint and identify where you can make changes.

 Regenerative Farming

Regenerative farming (also known as regenerative agriculture) is an approach to agriculture aimed at increasing soil health. The approach uses a suite of techniques, like cover crops and rotational grazing, to build soil carbon and reduce or eliminate the need for harmful practices like synthetic fertilizers or feedlots to grow crops or livestock. Healthy soils are complex ecosystems home to millions of different bacteria, fungi, plants, insects, and other organisms. Soil carbon has multiple benefits, like feeding soil ecosystems, helping retain nutrients and reducing erosion.

Chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers disrupt these soil ecosystems, reducing the amount of carbon they absorb. It also leads to a harmful buildup of nutrients like nitrogen that can leach into waterways or be transformed by microbes into nitrous oxide, a powerful greenhouse gas. Too much tillage can also harm soils by converting soil carbon into carbon dioxide. Regenerative agriculture aims to eliminate these harmful impacts and practices.

Learn more about Regenerative Farming and Sustainability:

Stories of Regeneration (Regeneration Canada)
What is Regenerative Agriculture? (The Organic Council of Ontario)
Regenerative Agriculture: Transforming Farming Toward Sustainability
Research Recap: Regenerative Agriculture (Waterloo Region)

Urban Farming and Community Gardens

Beeton Seed Library lets you borrow seeds for free!

Get involved and volunteer at the Town's Community Gardens:

Learn more about Urban Farming and Community Gardens, including use of trees and shrubs.

Sustain Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF)

Reducing Waste

By fostering awareness about the environmental and social consequences of food waste, collective action in communities can inspire behavioural changes. Additionally, supporting initiatives that promote responsible disposal of electronics, communities can act on encouraging proper recycling methods and adoption of sustainable practices.

Know more on how you can contribute to reducing food waste and e-waste within the community.

City of Barrie
Love Food, Hate Waste
David Suzuki Foundation
Electronics Collection

Planting Native Plant and Tree Species

Plant Trees (LSRCA)
Community Action (LSRCA)
Forests Ontario

Ontario Nature
South Simcoe Streams Network
(Led by Nottawasaga Futures, who run Trees for Streams events, especially on Earth Day and across municipalities in Simcoe County).


This refers to the intentional interplanting of trees and/or shrubs with crops, livestock, etc., for fruit- or nut-bearing qualities, timber, or fodder; also used as riparian buffers, hedgerows, shelterbelts, and windbreaks.

Learn the benefits of integrating agroforestry into your crop or livestock farm operation.
Trees on farms

Pollinator Corridors
These are a strip of flowering plants designed for continuous blooms to support native bees, insects, and other pollinators, ranging in size from a patch within a yard to hundreds of metres within a field.

Know more about Pollinator Corridors.

Ontario Native Scape
Pollinator Partnership Canada

How do I make my home more climate resilient?

Canada's National Adaptation Strategy
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Climate Action and Climate Change Exchange
Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority Adaptation and Mitigation
Nottawasaga Valley River Conservation Authority Climate page

Grants and Incentives

For homeowners:

Canada Greener Homes Grant
CMHC Eco Programs for Lenders
Alectra: Offers and Rebates
Enbridge: Rebates & Energy Conservation
Enbridge: Home Winterproofing Program (HWP)
COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program - Residential (CEAP)
Ontario Electricity Support program (OESP)
Low-income Energy Assistance Program
Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program
For commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings: Financial assistance for ISO 50001 in commercial and institutional buildings

For non-profit and non-governmental groups and organizations:

EcoAction Community Funding
Available Funding: Maximum EcoAction funding is $100,000 per project; the minimum funding amount request is $25,000 per project. The maximum project duration is 36 months.

Matching Requirement: A minimum of 50% of the total value of your project must come from sources other than the Government of Canada.

Deadline: March 22, 2024 (15:00 EST)

Purpose: For new projects that engage Canadian communities and clearly demonstrate measurable, positive results related to the following key environmental priority: Fresh Water.

Eligible Recipients: Non-profit and non-governmental groups and organizations are eligible to receive funding,

More Information: EcoAction Community Funding Program - Canada.ca

For Canadian Organizations with projects in the Lake Simcoe Drainage Basin, including Conservation Authorities and municipalities:
Lake Simcoe Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative

Available Funding: maximum funding is $150,000/year between April 1, 2024, and March 31, 2027; projects may be multiyear in nature (up to three years)

Matching Requirements: Not required but recommended.

Deadline: March 22, 2024 (11:59 EST)

Purpose: For projects that prevent toxic and nuisance algae by increasing participation in the application of phosphorus load reduction measures and in the promotion of broad uptake, application, and demonstration of new and innovative approaches.

Eligible Recipients: Canadian Organizations with projects in the Lake Simcoe Drainage Basin, including CAs and municipalities.

More Information: Lake Simcoe Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative - Canada.ca


 Education Resources

Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye | National Geographic

Causes and Effects of Climate Change – National Geographic

Climate Change – From one kid to another

What is Climate Change

COP27 summary of outcomes (Government of Canada)

Delivering for people and the planet (United Nations – Climate Action)

Oak Bay CoolKit 

To know more about terms associated with climate change, here’s The Climate Dictionary put together by the United Nations Development Programme.


The Town of New Tecumseth runs several environmental initiatives aimed at safeguarding its ecosystems and natural resources. We work to align our plans and policies with relevant conservation authorities to ensure protection of endangered species, preservation of local biodiversity and enhanced habitats, and encourage residents to make efforts toward environmental conservation and protection in their daily lives.

 Water conservation and protection

Initiatives focus on sustainable water management practices, including the promotion of water-saving technologies, watershed protection, and the preservation of wetlands. Know more about our Water Conservation and Protection programs to help reduce water use in your home to make a positive environmental impact. Learn about our Source Water Protection and how we can ensure safe drinking water in our community.

Invasive species

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive species that attacks and kills ash trees in North America. Find out what you can do to stop its spread.

Spongy moth (previously called European Gypsy Moth or by its scientific name LDD Moth (the Latin abbreviation (Lymantria dispar dispar) is a non – native invasive insect that has defoliated many trees throughout southern Ontario. Learn more on what you can do to help control the populations.

Keeping the Town Clean

The Town has an annual Pitch-in Canada Program every spring. Community residents and groups pick up litter from local streets, rural roads, parks, and natural areas to help keep New Tecumseth looking green and clean.

The Town is also committed to waste reduction through implementation of our Cleaning and Clearing By-law aligned with the County of Simcoe’s garbage and recycling services and our Anti-Dumping initiative. 

Know more about our existing programs

Street Tree Watering Bag Program
Tree Rebate Program

 Helpful Resources

County of Simcoe's Solid Waste Management

Federal Environment Protection

Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines

Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks