News Centre

Want to stay informed about Town services, programs, initiatives, and more?

There are many ways you can stay informed.

Media releases

The Town's news releases are your go-to resource for the latest big announcements. 

Social media

Like, follow and explore the Town of New Tecumseth's social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for relevant, timely information about what's happening with Town services and more.  Check out our videos and watch meetings live on our YouTube channel.

 Town Spotlight

The Town Spotlight is printed in the Thursday edition The Times as advertisements are needed to share information on events, activities, local services and more. 

Public Notices

Public notices, which are often legislated are posted to our website. 

What's Coming to Committee of the Whole 

Interested in learning what's coming up for discussion at the next Committee of the Whole meeting?  

Council Highlights

Want to stay in the know about what happens at Council meetings? Check out our Council Highlights summary.