Plans, Studies and Reports

The Town of New Tecumseth's plans, studies and reports improve our community and guide us toward our future goals.

Official Plan

Our Official Plan details the land-use and development strategy in the Town of New Tecumseth.

Strategic Plan

The Town of New Tecumseth's Council Strategic Plan for 2019-2022 is the Town's response to challenges that we will face over the next few years.

Policies & By-Law

 Tree By-Law & Policy

 2022-063 Tree By-law 

Tree Management Policy 

Master Plans

Community Improvement Plan

The Community Improvement Plan (CIP) promotes the conservation, enhancement, and beautification of buildings and properties in the downtowns of Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham.

Economic Development Strategic Plan

On February 13, 2023, the Town of New Tecumseth adopted the Make It New Tec: Economic Development Strategy 2023-2027. Make It New Tec is a 4-year Strategy that lays out the goals, objectives and actins that the Town will take to support the local economy and attract new opportunities.

Fire Department Master Plan

We initiated the Fire Department Master Plan as part of our comprehensive planning process to guide the delivery of fire protection services; to establish key objectives for the fire rescue service; and to present a clear understanding on the current and future requirements of fire rescue.

Information Technology Master Plan

The Information Technology Master Plan reviews how we deliver our services and how technology is perceived at the Town. The Plan assesses what changes are required to reposition the IT department and enable technology solutions.

Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan

The Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan is intended to guide the development of our parkland and trails until 2040 while our Town experiences population and economic growth. 

Water Distribution and Storage Master Plan

The Water Distribution and Storage Master Plan provides a plan for the Town's water infrastructure requirements to 2031. The plan is based on existing infrastructure as well as projected residential, commercial, and industrial growth in our communities of Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham.

Multi Modal Active Transportation Master Plan

The Town of New Tecumseth has completed the Multi-Modal Active Transportation Master Plan (MMATMP) Study as per the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. The MMATMP is a long term strategy to develop a sustainable and multi-modal network for the Town’s growing number of residents and workers to the horizon year of 2041. It builds upon existing planning studies and policies including Provincial Plans, County of Simcoe TMP Update, County of Simcoe Official Plan, and the Town’s own Official Plan and Strategic Plan.

The study:

  • Established policies and programs to encourage Active Transportation within the Town of New Tecumseth

  • Conducted a review of viable transportation options, including a Transit Feasibility Study

  • Identified gaps and opportunities in the transportation network, including:

    • Improving mobility within the three Communities of Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham, including existing and future residential developments

    • Improving connections outside of the Town
  • Gained public input through Enhanced Consultation programs that support the final recommendations of this study

The Notice of Study Completion was posted on February 10th 2022.

Drainage Master Plan Study

The Town of New Tecumseth has completed a town-wide Drainage Master Plan Study (DMP). The DMP provides a long-term flood mitigation strategy to improve the Town’s drainage system and reduce flood risks to property, public safety, and the environment. The DMP builds upon the Town’s Official Plan (2019) and is completed in accordance with Provincial plans and policies. This project was funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Natural Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP). This DMP Study was completed following Approach #2 of the Master Plan process set out by the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA). The study was completed in two phases:


The Drainage Master Plan Phase 1 - Flood Risk Assessment focused on assessing riverine systems to identify flood risk areas within the Town and recommend areas to analyze further in the Phase 2 study of the DMP. This study was used to develop the problem and opportunity statement for the Phase 2 study.


The Drainage Master Plan Phase 2 - Flood Mitigation Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment refined the riverine flood model as recommended in Phase 1 and developed a system-wide storm sewer model for the three communities of Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham. Detailed assessment of the Town’s drainage system was completed based on the results of the dual drainage modelling. The flood risk assessment informs the development and evaluation of flood mitigation alternatives. Phase 2 provides recommended flood mitigation solutions and an implementation plan to prioritize capital works.

The Notice of Study Completion was posted June 2022.

Sanitary Sewer Master Plan

Sanitary Sewer Master Plan

Secondary Plans

Alliston Secondary Plan

The Functional Servicing Study, Vol. 3 – Master Servicing Report details expansion opportunities and future development in Alliston.

Industrial / Commercial Secondary Plan, Vol. 4 – Master Servicing Plan

We created an Industrial / Commercial Secondary Plan, Vol. 4 – Master Servicing Plan, which includes an analysis of the land area east of the Community of Alliston and its future use. The lands that are now available for industrial and commercial use would not be enough to meet the expected long-term demand.

Beeton Secondary Plan

The Community of Beeton Master Servicing Plan (74 MBs) evaluates our services and determines effective alternatives for future sanitary sewage collection, water distribution, transportation, stormwater management and electrical distribution for the community.

Tottenham Secondary Plan

The Water & Wastewater Servicing Master Plan Update was required to review water and wastewater service requirements and infrastructure improvements, and to ensure that the infrastructure program meets the needs of the community.

Water & Wastewater Servicing Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Report

The Water & Wastewater Servicing Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Report details how our future service updates and improvements must be sensitive to the environment and should meet or exceed all guidelines, policies and standards.

Environmental Assessments (EA's)

Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for 10th Sideroad & 6th Line 

Per the Notice of Commencement, a Public Information Centre No. 1 (PIC) was held on October 8, 2019 to introduce the 10th Sideroad and 6th Line Improvements project and to allow all interested parties an opportunity to review the alternative solutions developed to address the identified deficiencies and to discuss the project with the study team. The information from the Public session can be found on the PIC No.1 Presentation Boards.

In accordance with the Municipal Class EA process, a Project File Report (PFR)(Appendices) has been prepared by The Ainley Group to document the Class EA process completed for this undertaking and by this Notice of Completion is being placed in the public record for a 30 day public review and comment period. 

Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the 9th Line Bridge (CP Rail)

In accordance with Phase 4 of the Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class EA process, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared to document the Class EA process completed for this undertaking and by this Notice of Completion is being placed in the public record for a 30 day public review and comment period.

The 9th Line Bridge Improvements Environmental Study Report and Appendices evaluates the need for improvements to the bridge crossing and future development of an east/west link for the community of Beeton.

Also provided:

Part II Order Request – Refer to the Notice of Completion for further details.

Class Environmental Assessment for Wastewater Treatment

The Class Environmental Assessment for Wastewater Treatment (2005) investigates options for increasing waste-water servicing capacity that accommodates future population growth projections and anticipates industrial, institutional, and commercial growth in the Town. This project was a response to the need to review potable water and waste-water treatment capacity in the Town.

The report consists of four volumes:

Addendum to Class Environmental Assessment for Waste-Water Treatment

The outcome was the creation of an Addendum to the 2005 Class EA Environmental Study Report, in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (as amended in 2007) which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

Class Environmental Assessment for the 9th Line Bridge Beeton Creek Crossing

The Trans Canada Trail/Beeton Creek Bridge Municipal Class Environmental Assessment evaluates the need for improvements to the bridge crossing at Beeton Creek, in the community of Beeton. 

Class Environmental Assessment Study for New Production Well 

The Town of New Tecumseth (Town) had initiated a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study to select the preferred alternative servicing strategy to increase the existing groundwater supply capacity in order to meet the projected water demands for Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham communities to horizon year 2031. The Notice of Study Commencement was issued on March 8, 2018.

Per the Notice of Online Public Information Centre, an online Public Information Centre (PIC) had been held on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020. The Public Information Centre (PIC) was held online given the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions existing at that time with regards to public gatherings.

Presentation Boards, Recorded Video Presentation and Narrative, can be found on the Class Environmental Assessment Study for New Production Well web page.

In accordance with the Municipal Class EA process, a Project File Report (PFR) and all associated Appendices have been prepared by CIMA+ to document the Class EA process completed for this project and by this Notice of Completion is being placed in the public record for a 30 day public review and comment period. 



School Crossing Guard Warrant Development and Application

The Town of New Tecumseth’s School Crossing Guard Warrant Development and Application Guidelines developed by WSP in 2022 have established a warrant procedure for the evaluation of future candidate school crossing guard locations. 

Please visit the link below to view the guidelines.

Church Street North Transportation Review

The objectives of the Church Street North Transportation Review are:

  • Review the area's road network and traffic volumes
  • Assess the traffic operations conditions
  • Consider future growth and development
  • Identify what road improvements are required to support existing and future traffic demands
  • Provide a road improvement strategy and implementation plan through to 2036.
The Church Street North Transportation Needs Study was finalized in November 2016 which identifies various needs and improvements to adequately accommodate existing and future transportation demands along the Church Street North corridor from Victoria Street to Hussey Street.

New Tecumseth Growth Management Study

The purpose of the New Tecumseth Growth Management Study is to update residential and non-residential growth forecasts and determine their land requirements as part of the Official Plan review process. You may view the New Tecumseth Growth Management Strategy to review our findings and resulting recommendations.

Urban Design Guidelines

We developed Urban Design Guidelines as part of our growth management study. They guide urban growth, reinforce the Province's Smart Growth initiatives, and apply principles from our Official Plan.

Road Needs Study

Roads Needs Study (2018)

Previous Road Needs Studies

The Road Needs Study (2014) updates our past study, includes the results of a traffic-counting program, and recommends a pavement asset management program.

The Road Needs Study (2008) shows findings from a review of our Municipal road system. The Study identifies improvements to the roads and structures, which are or will become deficient within the study period.

Post-construction Flow Monitoring Report

A Post-Construction Flow Monitoring Analysis (2018) was undertaken to confirm that the completed repairs were effective in reducing I/I peak flows and volumes in the Tottenham sanitary sewer system. 

2019 Traffic Study – Sir Frederick Banting Road at Victoria Street

The Drainage Master Plan Phase 1 - Flood Risk Assessment study along with the Appendices is a preliminary assessment to identify existing flood risk areas within the Town’s jurisdiction as a result of riverine flooding. This assessment helps in preparing a Flood Risk Assessment database and associated Maps for the purpose of identifying future strategies for undertaking a detailed flood mitigation assessment.

Water and Wastewater Rate Study

The Water and Wastewater Rate Study was completed by Hemson Consulting in January 2024. The analysis provides a long-term water and wastewater financial recovery plan to fund current and future operations, growth related capital expansion and the rehabilitation and eventual replacement of existing infrastructure. Please see the Town’s Utility FAQ page for information regarding current rates. 

Modernization Review
Modernization Review Report
Modernization Review Report

Building TO BE General Inquiries

Building TO BE New Cons Intake Review Decision

Building TO BE New Cons Inspection Close

Building TO BE Alt Repair Intake Review Decision

Building TO BE Alt Repair Inspection Close

Building TO BE Demolition Intake Review Decision

Building TO BE Demolition Inspection Close

Building TO BE Septic Pre Con

Building TO BE Septic Intake Review Decision

Building TO BE Septic Inspection Close

Building TO BE MPFP Intake Review Decision

Building TO BE MPFP Inspection Close

Building TO BE Staged Permit

Building TO BE Orders

Building TO BE Revocation

Building TO BE Build without Permit


Bylaw TO BE General Inquiries

Bylaw TO BE Complaints

Bylaw TO BE Appeals General

Bylaw TO BE Appeals Property Standards

Bylaw TO BE Licensing General

Bylaw TO BE Licensing with Inspection 

Bylaw TO BE License Revocation

Bylaw TO BE License Revocation Appeal


Engineering TO BE Pre Con

Engineering TO BE Site Plan Control

Engineering TO BE Site Plan Control Exemption

Engineering TO BE Subdivision 1

Engineering TO BE Subdivision 2

Engineering TO BE RFP

Engineering TO BE RFP u75

Engineering TO BE RFP o75

Engineering TO BE Design

Engineering TO BE Tender

Engineering TO BE Construction


Planning TO BE Pre Con

Planning TO BE Minor Variance

Planning TO BE Consent to Sever Land

Planning TO BE Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Planning TO BE Official Plan Amendment

Planning TO BE Draft Plan of Subdivision

Planning TO BE Part Lot Control Exemption

Planning TO BE Removal of Hold Symbol

Planning TO BE Zoning Compliance Letter

Planning Policy TO BE Community Improvement Plan

Planning Policy TO BE Community Improvement Plan 2

Planning Policy TO BE Telecommunication

Planning Policy TO BE Telecommunication 2

Planning Policy TO BE Municipal Addressing 



Tottenham Airfield Corporation Inc. (TAC)

View the Tottenham Airfield Corporation Inc. (TAC) – Fill Management Agreement; Reports and Plans to learn more about our development, dust management, entrance truck traffic and, more.

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan & Reports

The Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan reflects our commitment to responsible energy conservation and management. The Plan shows our energy consumption and sets out the emissions generated by the energy we consume.

Energy consumption reports

New Tecumseth Opportunity Assessment

The Opportunity Assessment Findings and Suggestions Report provides a fresh, objective, unbiased viewpoint of our community through the eyes of a first-time visitor. This includes a review of local marketing efforts, signage, attractions, critical mass, retail mix, ease of getting around, customer service, visitor amenities such as parking and public washrooms, overall appeal, and the community's ability to attract overnight visitors. The final report prepared by Roger Brooks identifies ways that we can improve downtown Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham as places to live, work and visit.

Belterra Estates Development – Master Servicing Report

The Belterra Estates Development – Master Servicing Report assesses the capacity of our infrastructure and its distance to the site in order to determine the ability of the external services to accommodate this development. The Report includes design calculations, an outline of the proposed internal services, and comments regarding the ability of the various utilities to service the site.

Municipal Structure Inventory and Inspection

The substantially complete Municipal Structure Inventory and Inspection 2024 Report provides a summary of structure condition ratings of our total inventory of structures. It also includes the recommended funding for each structure that should be replaced in order to meet its intended design life along with an Annual Guiderail Capital Program.

You can also view the past Municipal Structure Inventory and Inspection reports below:





 2018 Town of New Tecumseth Compensation Review 
 2018 Town of New Tecumseth Compensation Review 
Reconstruction and Urbanization of Patterson Street, Beeton

The section of Patterson Street between Lilly Street and Cedar Street was identified as requiring urbanization and reconstruction; the project is included in the 2018 Development Charge Background Study.

The scope of the reconstruction works on Patterson Street between the proposed limits of construction include the construction of the roadway, relocation of hydro poles, grading of the boulevards, provision of sidewalks, installation of sanitary and storm sewers, street lights and installation of storm sewer on Sideroad 10 from Lilly Street to outlet into Beeton Creek. 


Patterson Street Drawings

Public meetings

 Tottenham Transmission Main Public Drop-In Meeting
  Presentation boards and Comment Sheet as shown at the Public Drop-In meeting January 23, 2020.
 Riverdale Park Accessible Trail Extension
 Project Webpage

Capital Projects

 7th Line Road Reconstruction

 7th Line Road Reconstruction

 2022 Road Reconstruction Program and Signalization of 6th Line and Sideroad 10 Intersection


2022 Road Reconstruction Program

Signalization of 6th Line and Sideroad 10 Intersection

Resident Survey (Fillable)