Taxi and Limo
Frequently Asked Questions about Taxicab Companies
Does the Town set the fares charged by licensed transportation companies?
No. Taxicab companies set fares they feel are appropriate for their business model.
Are licensed companies permitted to implement surge pricing?
Yes. However, there are limits and protection against price gouging exists in the Ontario Consumer Protection Act. Any customer who believes that they were the victim of price gouging or improper business practices with regard to a taxi-cab or any vehicle for hire service is able to file a consumer complaint with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.
If you have any questions about filing a complaint, call Consumer Protection Ontario between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday at 1-800-889-9768 (toll free)
Do I need a licence from the Town to run a taxicab company or be taxicab driver?
No. However regardless of any municipal business licensing requirement any vehicle used as a taxi-cab or vehicle for hire in Ontario is subject to the vehicle safety, equipment and insurance requirements contained within the Highway Traffic Act. If a police officer or Ministry of Transportation enforcement officer had any reason to believe that a taxi-cab or other vehicle for hire service was unsafe, the vehicle could be forced to undergo a thorough safety examination.
If you have concern’s with taxi-cab or vehicle for hire safety and/or insurance, contact the Nottawasaga OPP, see below:
For all emergencies requiring immediate assistance, please call 9-1-1
For non-emergencies, you can reach the detachment at 705-434-1939 or toll free at 1-888-310-1122.
How do I get more information?
For more information contact the by-law office at 705-435-3900, or on-line