Community Improvement Plan

The Town of New Tecumseth's Community Improvement Plan (CIP) program promotes the conservation, enhancement, and beautification of buildings and properties in the historic downtowns of Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham through development incentive grants and loans.

Funding for Downtown Businesses and Properties

Funding for Major Developments

Funding for Residential Developments

Through the CIP, the communities of Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham will continue to be thriving, attractive, and affordable centres for commerce, residence, service, and tourism for New Tecumseth residents and visitors, fostering community pride and promoting each community’s unique heritage and character.

Our Community Improvement Plan Signage Grant Pamphlet provides guidelines for New Business Signage in our Downtown Areas. Please find a link to the guidelines here.

Funding for Downtown Businesses and Properties

Downtown Beeton

Facade, Building and Property Improvement Grant

This grant is a “one-stop shop” that encourages improvements to building façade elements, upgrades to buildings to meet building code and accessibility requirements, updated signage, awnings and lighting, and encourage landscaping and private parking area improvements.

The purpose of this grant is to ensure greater longevity and viability of buildings in the Town’s downtown cores, restore historic character, and contribute significantly to the beautification of New Tecumseth’s downtown areas. In return, this will help to attract new business and residents into our downtown core, increase tourism and investment, and ensure vitality.

Grant values

The maximum grant value for the eligible costs per property are:

  • Facade Improvements: 50% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $25,000, whichever is less.

  • Signage, Awning & Lighting: 75% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $2,500, whichever is less.

  • Building Code Upgrades: 50% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $20,000, whichever is less.

  • Property Improvements: 50% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $25,000, whichever is less.

Each property is permitted a total of $50,000 of funding for these grants, over the lifetime of this Plan.

Please see our Signage Guide Brochure here.

Eligible properties

All commercial, institutional, and mixed-use buildings within the delineated downtown area, as described in Schedule B.

Eligible costs

 Façade Improvement Eligible Costs
  • Repair, replacement or restoration of façade masonry, brickwork, architectural detailing or foundation improvements;

  • Repair, replacement or new installation of awnings or canopies;

  • Painting, cleaning or similar treatments to improve façade materials or enhance durability over the long-term, provided that these improvements are part of a larger improvement project (i.e. are associated with other eligible projects listed herein);

  • Window and door replacement, provided it is part of a larger façade improvement project (i.e. associated with other eligible projects listed herein) and provided the improvements represent an improvement in detailing (i.e. lattice) and not merely replacement of glass;

  • Projects involving improved access and views of the Boyne River ravine in Alliston, including development of new rooftop patios, seating areas or public lookouts; and,

  • Services of an architect, engineer or heritage professional to advise on improvements listed above, including the drafting of a required Condition Assessment.

 Signage, Awning and Lighting Improvement Eligible Costs
  • Repair, restoration or improvement to existing historic signage;

  • Installation of new signage or replacement of signage that meets the Town’s Urban Design Guidelines, Façade Improvement Guidelines and the Beeton Heritage Conservation District Guidelines, where applicable, only where it results in a significant improvement in quality and design;

  • Costs associated with the removal of signage which does not comply with the Town’s Urban Design Guidelines, Façade Improvement Guidelines and the Beeton Heritage Conservation District Guidelines, where applicable, provided there is a new sign installed in accordance with these policies and guidelines; and,

  • Costs for professional design/architectural services to design the sign.

  • Lighting is external only.

Upgrade to Building Code Eligible Costs
  • Installation of fire protection systems;

  • Relocation or installation of fire escapes;

  • Reinforcements of floors, ceilings and/or walls where a structural issue exist and pose a public health concern;

  • Improvements to Barrier Free accessibility;

  • Construction or alteration of stairs, guard rails and/or handrails (external only); and,

  • Any other improvements, related to Building Code upgrades deemed acceptable.

 Property and Parking Improvements Eligible Costs
  • Landscaping improvements associated with any side yard or rear yard parking lot, to buffer the sidewalk from the parking area;

  • Installation or improvements to permanent outdoor seating areas and sidewalk cafes, including fencing and landscaping, provided the seating area is located in the front or side yard, rear yard of properties backing onto the Boyne River ravine, or within the public right-of-way subject to approval from the Town. Non-permanent and moveable elements of an outdoor café may still be considered, on a maximum one-application per business eligibility.

  • Improvements to existing parking surfaces, including paving, curbing, repainting, lighting, signage and retrofitting for Low Impact Development. For clarity, repaving of a parking area is only eligible when proven that the parking lot is in a state of significant disrepair (i.e. potholes, pooling of water, etc.). Eligible works must represent an improvement over existing conditions and not merely a life cycle replacement;

  • Improvements to pedestrian connections, walkways and designated bicycle parking areas;

  • Costs for the services of professional engineer, planner or landscape architect as may be required in association with the improvements noted above.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Downtown Residential Improvement Grant

This grant encourages the development or improvement of residential units in the upper storeys or rear of mixed-use buildings. This program is intended to increase the number of residential units in the downtown areas.

Grant value

50% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $5,000 per residential unit, whichever is less.

A maximum of four (4) units shall be eligible per property, to a maximum of $20,000 per property.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town.

Eligible properties

All existing mixed-use buildings within the delineated downtown area, as described in Schedule B, where zoning permits, are eligible for this grant. The ground floor of the building must be used for non-residential uses (e.g. commercial, office or institutional).

Please note, those residential units adjacent to or with access from Dominion Street and the Dominion Street municipal parking lot are only eligible for upgrades to existing units.

Eligible costs

  • Any works in existing upper storey residential unit(s) or conversion of vacant/upper storey commercial space to residential dwellings, which bring the unit(s) into compliance with the Ontario Building Code;

  • Upper or rear additions or improvements to existing buildings to accommodate new residential units;

  • Improvements to the outdoor amenity space associated with existing dwellings, subject to all applicable Town By-laws, policies and guidelines;

  • Costs for the services of a professional engineer or architect as may be required in association with the improvements noted above;

  • Legacy or legal non-conforming uses may be eligible for this grant, subject to Council approval; and,

  • All Town By-laws (including, but not limited to, Zoning By-law, Sign By-law, Property Standards By-law), policies and guidelines must be complied with. This includes parking. The development or maintenance of parking areas is not eligible costs.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Commercial At-Grade Conversion Grant 

This grant assists with the conversion of space from a commercial or non-commercial use to a different commercial use. It is intended to provide flexibility and encourage the continued use of commercial spaces in the downtown area.

Grant value

50% of the eligible costs, to a maximum of $10,000, whichever is less.

Eligible properties

Existing ground floor commercial uses (which are proposed for conversion to another commercial use) or existing ground floor non-commercial uses which are proposed for conversion to a commercial use within the delineated downtown area, as described in Schedule B, where zoning permits.

Eligible costs

  • Upgrades to plumbing to comply with the Building Code;

  • Upgrades for insulation, doors, windows and walls to comply with fire protection standards;

  • Installation of accessibility-related equipment (i.e. ramps, accessible doorways);

  • Installation of upgraded fire protection system elements (i.e. required signage, alarms/detectors, sprinkler systems);

  • Installation of upgraded or new permanent ventilation systems as may be required for certain uses (i.e. restaurants);

  • Upgrades to electrical systems and wiring to comply with the Ontario Building Code;

  • Construction or improvement of stairs or railings to meet Ontario Building Code;

  • Cost to undertake land-use compatibility study in association with establishment of a permitted, small-scale creative use (i.e. brewery, coffee roaster, studio); and,

  • Cost to undertake mitigation measures as a result of a land-use compatibility study in association with establishment of a permitted, micro-scale creative use.

Costs that are not eligible for funding include:

  • Non-permanent or moveable fixtures used by the business, such as appliances, furnishings, interior signage, and lighting fixtures;

  • Decorative and finishing elements and materials, such as painting, finished flooring, drywall, shelving, counter/bars, and similar elements;

  • Replacement or repair of roof shingles/other roofing material considered lifetime maintenance;

  • Lifecycle replacements of aged building components; and,

  • Replacement of any elements that already meet the Ontario Building Code.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Public Art Grant 

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant encourages the inclusion of permanent art programming such as mural work, sidewalk art, commemoration, and custom site amenities, into community spaces.

Grant value

75% of the eligible costs, to a maximum of $3,000, whichever is less.

Eligible properties

All properties within the delineated downtown area, as described in Schedule B. Properties outside of the delineated downtown area, but within the Urban Settlement Area Boundaries of Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham (see Schedule A), may be considered by Council based on their community impact.

Eligible costs

  • All required materials necessary for the construction or development of the public art project;

  • Costs relating to installation; and,

  • Lighting and landscaping costs to highlight the project.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Privately-Owned Public Spaces (POPS) Grant 

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant supports the revitalization of privately owned outdoor areas that are often used by members of the public and are perceived to be public spaces.

Grant value

75% of the eligible costs, to a maximum of $5,000, whichever is less.

Eligible properties

All properties within the delineated downtown area, as described in Schedule B, that have areas of their property in which members of the public pass through or pause for rest or to socialize. Examples of these spaces include:

  • alleyways connecting a rear parking area or other area of the community with the main street;

  • front yards or side yards where buildings are recessed to the extent where people may gather and spend time.

This grant does not support areas directly related to the property’s main use (e.g. patio for a restaurant).

Eligible costs

  • Cleaning and updating spaces to increase safety (i.e. washing walls, relocating undesirable equipment, painting);

  • Installation of decorative features such as lighting, planters, art work, water features, etc.

  • Installation of benches, tables, bike racks, or similar;

  • Installation of interactive features (i.e. permanent chess board, permanent ping pong tables);

  • Costs relating to the installation of infrastructure to support free public wi-fi;

  • Plantings (permanent flower gardens, trees, etc.);

  • Installation of signage associated with the POPS; and,

  • Installation of electrical outlets required for the proposal.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Heritage Grant 

This grant is available for the Beeton Heritage Conservation District only.

This grant assists property owners in the maintenance and repair of identified historical features on buildings that have been designated as contributing properties within the Beeton Heritage Conservation District (upon its approval).

Grant value

50% of the eligible costs, to a maximum of $3,000, whichever is less.

Eligible properties

Those properties identified as contributing properties within the Beeton Heritage Conservation District (upon its approval).

Eligible costs

All contributing properties within the Beeton Heritage Conservation District may be eligible to receive a grant toward the conservation and restoration of the heritage features of their properties, as described in the Beeton Heritage Conservation District Plan.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Catalytic Development Grant

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant encourages the development and redevelopment of pre-selected properties where there will be a significant increase in social and economic benefits to the community as a result of the proposal.

This grant is administered as a tax increment equivalency grant (TIEG). A TIEG helps to reduce tax increases as a barrier to property investment and helps make development and redevelopment of pre-selected properties an attractive opportunity.

Grant value

The grant value will be a percentage of the municipal tax increase that results from the improvements to the property (i.e. the tax increment).

The grant will be paid to the owner each year for a maximum of 10 years or less, at the discretion of Council. In year one, the value of the grant may equal up to 100% of the tax increment. In subsequent years, the value of the grant shall decrease until it reaches 0% of the tax increment. A payment period of 10 years will be the maximum with the grants being incrementally reduced over the grant period.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town. The applicant will be responsible for paying the full value of property taxes in any given year. The grants will be issued annually upon full payment of property taxes.

The total grant value includes eligible costs under the Province of Ontario's Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program, where applicable. Those values identified under the Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program are considered separately from the Catalytic Development Criteria.

Eligible costs incurred under the Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program are eligible for tax assistance of all or part of the Municipal and education taxes on a brownfield site during the rehabilitation period.

Eligible properties

Only those properties, as described in Schedule C, are eligible for this grant.

Eligible properties must include properties where a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) has been conducted, and that as of the date the Phase II ESA was completed, did not meet the required standards under subparagraph 4i of Section 168.4(1) of the Environmental Protection Act to permit a Record of Site Condition (RSC) for the proposed use to be filed in the Environmental Site Registry.

Eligible costs

  • Removal of debris including all site infrastructure and general improvements for structural safety purposes to meet the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code;

  • Site preparation including construction/improvement of on-site infrastructure (e.g. water services, private sanitary and storm drains and/or private sewers, watermains, roads, curbs and gutters, catch basins, hydro, gas and communication services);

  • Expenses related to the relocation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains within the same property boundaries;

  • Demolition of all buildings and structures together with removal and disposal of all materials and debris;

  • Capital expenditures for existing building renovation and/or new building construction, including accessibility costs;

  • Capital expenditures for new building construction where exceptional design standards are met and result in increased building costs;

  • Construction cost premium for the provision of underground parking or structured spaces vs. surface parking;

  • Legal fees, consulting fees and financing costs, preparation of a business plan, preparation of professionally prepared drawings, expenses related to designated Heritage Buildings and/or properties as they relate only to specific eligible costs identified above;

  • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Assessment Estimates;

  • A partial or complete Phase I or Phase II ESA Study to confirm and describe contamination at the site;

  • A Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Survey to determine designated substances and hazardous materials at the site;

  • A Remedial Work Plan/Risk Assessment/Risk Management Plan to develop a plan remove, treat, or otherwise manage contamination found on the site.

  • Applicable Planning Act application fees; and,

  • Other on-site costs may be eligible at the sole discretion of the Township.

Eligible Costs for those properties requiring brownfield remediation as part of the Brownfield Remediation Tax Assistance, as identified in Section 365.1 of the Municipal Act:

  • Phase III ESAs, and Risk Assessment Plans;

  • Environmental remediation activities;

  • Costs of preparing a RSC, including subsequent subsurface characterization work required to support RSC filing;

  • Placing clean fill and grading;

  • Installing environmental and/or engineering controls/works as specified in a Risk Assessment completed for the property;

  • Monitoring, maintaining and operating environmental and engineering controls/works, as specified in the Phase III ESA and/or Risk Assessment Plan; and

  • Environmental insurance premiums.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Funding for Major Developments

Business Development Grant

Catalytic Development Grant 

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant encourages the development and redevelopment of pre-selected properties where there will be a significant increase in social and economic benefits to the community as a result of the proposal.

This grant is administered as a tax increment equivalency grant (TIEG). A TIEG helps to reduce tax increases as a barrier to property investment and helps make development and redevelopment of pre-selected properties an attractive opportunity.

Grant value

The grant value will be a percentage of the municipal tax increase that results from the improvements to the property (i.e. the tax increment).

The grant will be paid to the owner each year for a maximum of 10 years or less, at the discretion of Council. In year one, the value of the grant may equal up to 100% of the tax increment. In subsequent years, the value of the grant shall decrease until it reaches 0% of the tax increment. A payment period of 10 years will be the maximum with the grants being incrementally reduced over the grant period.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town. The applicant will be responsible for paying the full value of property taxes in any given year. The grants will be issued annually upon full payment of property taxes.

The total grant value includes eligible costs under the Province of Ontario's Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program, where applicable. Those values identified under the Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program are considered separately from the Catalytic Development Criteria.

Eligible costs incurred under the Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program are eligible for tax assistance of all or part of the Municipal and education taxes on a brownfield site during the rehabilitation period.

Eligible properties

Only those properties, as described in Schedule C, are eligible for this grant.

Eligible properties must include properties where a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) has been conducted, and that as of the date the Phase II ESA was completed, did not meet the required standards under subparagraph 4i of Section 168.4(1) of the Environmental Protection Act to permit a Record of Site Condition (RSC) for the proposed use to be filed in the Environmental Site Registry.

Eligible costs

  • Removal of debris including all site infrastructure and general improvements for structural safety purposes to meet the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code;

  • Site preparation including construction/improvement of on-site infrastructure (e.g. water services, private sanitary and storm drains and/or private sewers, watermains, roads, curbs and gutters, catch basins, hydro, gas and communication services);

  • Expenses related to the relocation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains within the same property boundaries;

  • Demolition of all buildings and structures together with removal and disposal of all materials and debris;

  • Capital expenditures for existing building renovation and/or new building construction, including accessibility costs;

  • Capital expenditures for new building construction where exceptional design standards are met and result in increased building costs;

  • Construction cost premium for the provision of underground parking or structured spaces vs. surface parking;

  • Legal fees, consulting fees and financing costs, preparation of a business plan, preparation of professionally prepared drawings, expenses related to designated Heritage Buildings and/or properties as they relate only to specific eligible costs identified above;

  • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Assessment Estimates;

  • A partial or complete Phase I or Phase II ESA Study to confirm and describe contamination at the site;

  • A Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Survey to determine designated substances and hazardous materials at the site;

  • A Remedial Work Plan/Risk Assessment/Risk Management Plan to develop a plan remove, treat, or otherwise manage contamination found on the site.

  • Applicable Planning Act application fees; and,

  • Other on-site costs may be eligible at the sole discretion of the Township.

Eligible Costs for those properties requiring brownfield remediation as part of the Brownfield Remediation Tax Assistance, as identified in Section 365.1 of the Municipal Act:

  • Phase III ESAs, and Risk Assessment Plans;

  • Environmental remediation activities;

  • Costs of preparing a RSC, including subsequent subsurface characterization work required to support RSC filing;

  • Placing clean fill and grading;

  • Installing environmental and/or engineering controls/works as specified in a Risk Assessment completed for the property;

  • Monitoring, maintaining and operating environmental and engineering controls/works, as specified in the Phase III ESA and/or Risk Assessment Plan; and

  • Environmental insurance premiums.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Business Development Grant 

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant is intended to provide financial incentive to stimulate new investment in targeted economic sectors for the purposes of expanding and diversifying New Tecumseth’s economy. It will also apply to projects that demonstrate a major investment resulting in a significant positive impact on the local economy and workforce.

This grant is administered as a tax increment equivalency grant (TIEG). A TIEG helps to reduce tax increases as a barrier to property investment and help make investing in the Town’s Employment Areas an attractive opportunity.

Grant value

The grant value will be a percentage of the municipal tax increase which results from the improvements to the property (i.e. the tax increment).

The grant will be paid to the owner each year for a maximum of 10 years or less, at the discretion of Council. In year one, the value of the grant may equal up to 100% of the tax increment. In subsequent years, the value of the grant shall decrease until it reaches 0% of the tax increment. In no case shall the total value of all grants issued over the grant period exceed 100% of the eligible costs of the project. A payment period of 10 years will be the maximum with the grants being incrementally reduced over the grant period.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town. The applicant will be responsible for paying the full value of property taxes in any given year. The grants will be issued annually upon full payment of property taxes.

Eligible properties

All properties located within the limits of the Urban Settlement Boundaries of Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham (see Schedule A) and designated Employment Area 1 and 2, as identified in the Town’s Official Plan.

Eligible costs

  • Demolition of existing buildings;

  • Development or redevelopment of a building or property, including improvements and expansions to existing buildings;

  • Adaptive reuse, building rehabilitation and retrofit works;

  • Upgrading on-site infrastructure including water services, sanitary sewers, and storm water management facilities (including low impact development infrastructure);

  • Development application fees (including Zoning By-law Amendments, Removal of a Holding Symbol, Site Plan Control and Minor Variance);

  • Fees associated with Land-use compatibility studies;

  • Costs associated with mitigation measures identified in land use compatibility studies directly associated with the eligible development or redevelopment; and

  • Legal fees, consulting fees and financing costs, preparation of a business plan, preparation of professionally prepared drawings as they relate only to specific eligible costs identified above.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Rental Development Grant

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant incentivizes the development of purpose-built rental dwelling units and affordable dwelling units within the Town.

This grant is administered as a tax increment equivalency grant (TIEG). A TIEG helps to reduce tax increases as a barrier to property investment and helps make the development purpose-built rental dwelling units an attractive opportunity.

Grant value

The grant value will be a percentage of the municipal tax increase which results from the improvements to the property (i.e. the tax increment). The grant will be paid to the owner each year for a maximum of 10 years or less, at the discretion of the Review Committee.

The maximum value of the grant may equal up to 80% of the tax increment. In subsequent years, the value of the grant shall decrease until it reaches 0% of the tax increment.

Should the proposal contain a minimum of 20% of the total proposed dwelling units as affordable units, as defined in this Plan and in accordance with the provincial definition of affordable units, the applicant may be eligible for an additional 20% of relief to a maximum of 100%.

In no case shall the total value of all grants issued over the grant period exceed 100% of the eligible costs of the project.

A payment period of 10 years shall be the maximum with the grants being incrementally reduced over the grant period.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town. The applicant will be responsible for paying the full value of property taxes in any given year. The grants will be issued annually upon full payment of property taxes.

Eligible properties

All properties located within the limits of the Urban Settlement Boundaries of Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham (see Schedule A), that are zoned to permit this use.

Eligible costs

The following list of eligible costs directly relate to the development of new rental dwelling units only. The grant does not apply to any works related to commercial or institutional components of a mixed-use development proposal.

  • Removal of debris including all site infrastructure and general improvements for structural safety purposes to meet the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code;

  • Site preparation including construction/improvement of on-site infrastructure (e.g. water services, private sanitary and storm drains and/or private sewers, watermains, roads, curbs and gutters, catch basins, hydro, gas and communication services);

  • Expenses related to the relocation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains within the same property boundaries;

  • Demolition of all buildings and structures together with removal and disposal of all materials and debris;

  • Capital expenditures for new building construction or additions, including accessibility costs;

  • Capital expenditures for new building construction or additions where exceptional design standards are met and result in increased building costs;

  • Construction cost premium for the provision of underground parking or structured spaces vs. surface parking;

  • Legal fees, consulting fees and financing costs, preparation of a business plan, preparation of professionally prepared drawings, expenses related to designated Heritage Buildings and/or properties as they relate only to specific eligible costs identified above; and,

  • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Assessment Estimates.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Funding for Residential Developments

Downtown Residential Improvement Grant

Downtown Residential Improvement Grant

This grant encourages the development or improvement of residential units in the upper storeys or rear of mixed-use buildings. This program is intended to increase the number of residential units in the downtown areas.

Grant value

50% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $5,000 per residential unit, whichever is less.

A maximum of four (4) units shall be eligible per property, to a maximum of $20,000 per property.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town.

Eligible properties

All existing mixed-use buildings within the delineated downtown area, as described in Schedule B, where zoning permits, are eligible for this grant. The ground floor of the building must be used for non-residential uses (e.g. commercial, office or institutional).

Please note, those residential units adjacent to or with access from Dominion Street and the Dominion Street municipal parking lot are only eligible for upgrades to existing units.

Eligible costs

  • Any works in existing upper storey residential unit(s) or conversion of vacant/upper storey commercial space to residential dwellings, which bring the unit(s) into compliance with the Ontario Building Code;

  • Upper or rear additions or improvements to existing buildings to accommodate new residential units;

  • Improvements to the outdoor amenity space associated with existing dwellings, subject to all applicable Town By-laws, policies and guidelines;

  • Costs for the services of a professional engineer or architect as may be required in association with the improvements noted above;

  • Legacy or legal non-conforming uses may be eligible for this grant, subject to Council approval; and,

  • All Town By-laws (including, but not limited to, Zoning By-law, Sign By-law, Property Standards By-law), policies and guidelines must be complied with. This includes parking. The development or maintenance of parking areas is not eligible costs.

Submit an expression of interest now!

Rental Development Grant 

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant incentivizes the development of purpose-built rental dwelling units and affordable dwelling units within the Town.

This grant is administered as a tax increment equivalency grant (TIEG). A TIEG helps to reduce tax increases as a barrier to property investment and helps make the development purpose-built rental dwelling units an attractive opportunity.

Grant value

The grant value will be a percentage of the municipal tax increase which results from the improvements to the property (i.e. the tax increment). The grant will be paid to the owner each year for a maximum of 10 years or less, at the discretion of the Review Committee.

The maximum value of the grant may equal up to 80% of the tax increment. In subsequent years, the value of the grant shall decrease until it reaches 0% of the tax increment.

Should the proposal contain a minimum of 20% of the total proposed dwelling units as affordable units, as defined in this Plan and in accordance with the provincial definition of affordable units, the applicant may be eligible for an additional 20% of relief to a maximum of 100%.

In no case shall the total value of all grants issued over the grant period exceed 100% of the eligible costs of the project.

A payment period of 10 years shall be the maximum with the grants being incrementally reduced over the grant period.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town. The applicant will be responsible for paying the full value of property taxes in any given year. The grants will be issued annually upon full payment of property taxes.

Eligible properties

All properties located within the limits of the Urban Settlement Boundaries of Alliston, Beeton and Tottenham (see Schedule A), that are zoned to permit this use.

Eligible costs

The following list of eligible costs directly relate to the development of new rental dwelling units only. The grant does not apply to any works related to commercial or institutional components of a mixed-use development proposal.

  • Removal of debris including all site infrastructure and general improvements for structural safety purposes to meet the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code;

  • Site preparation including construction/improvement of on-site infrastructure (e.g. water services, private sanitary and storm drains and/or private sewers, watermains, roads, curbs and gutters, catch basins, hydro, gas and communication services);

  • Expenses related to the relocation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains within the same property boundaries;

  • Demolition of all buildings and structures together with removal and disposal of all materials and debris;

  • Capital expenditures for new building construction or additions, including accessibility costs;

  • Capital expenditures for new building construction or additions where exceptional design standards are met and result in increased building costs;

  • Construction cost premium for the provision of underground parking or structured spaces vs. surface parking;

  • Legal fees, consulting fees and financing costs, preparation of a business plan, preparation of professionally prepared drawings, expenses related to designated Heritage Buildings and/or properties as they relate only to specific eligible costs identified above; and,

  • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Assessment Estimates.

Submit an expression of interest now!

 Catalytic Development Grant

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

This grant encourages the development and redevelopment of pre-selected properties where there will be a significant increase in social and economic benefits to the community as a result of the proposal.
This grant is administered as a tax increment equivalency grant (TIEG). A TIEG helps to reduce tax increases as a barrier to property investment and helps make development and redevelopment of pre-selected properties an attractive opportunity.

Grant value

The grant value will be a percentage of the municipal tax increase that results from the improvements to the property (i.e. the tax increment).

The grant will be paid to the owner each year for a maximum of 10 years or less, at the discretion of Council. In year one, the value of the grant may equal up to 100% of the tax increment. In subsequent years, the value of the grant shall decrease until it reaches 0% of the tax increment. A payment period of 10 years will be the maximum with the grants being incrementally reduced over the grant period.

The grant will be paid only upon completion of the project, to the satisfaction of the Town. The applicant will be responsible for paying the full value of property taxes in any given year. The grants will be issued annually upon full payment of property taxes.

The total grant value includes eligible costs under the Province of Ontario's Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program, where applicable. Those values identified under the Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program are considered separately from the Catalytic Development Criteria.

Eligible costs incurred under the Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program are eligible for tax assistance of all or part of the Municipal and education taxes on a brownfield site during the rehabilitation period.

Eligible properties

Only those properties, as described in Schedule C, are eligible for this grant.

Eligible properties must include properties where a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) has been conducted, and that as of the date the Phase II ESA was completed, did not meet the required standards under subparagraph 4i of Section 168.4(1) of the Environmental Protection Act to permit a Record of Site Condition (RSC) for the proposed use to be filed in the Environmental Site Registry.

Eligible costs

  • Removal of debris including all site infrastructure and general improvements for structural safety purposes to meet the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code;

  • Site preparation including construction/improvement of on-site infrastructure (e.g. water services, private sanitary and storm drains and/or private sewers, watermains, roads, curbs and gutters, catch basins, hydro, gas and communication services);

  • Expenses related to the relocation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains within the same property boundaries;

  • Demolition of all buildings and structures together with removal and disposal of all materials and debris;

  • Capital expenditures for existing building renovation and/or new building construction, including accessibility costs;

  • Capital expenditures for new building construction where exceptional design standards are met and result in increased building costs;

  • Construction cost premium for the provision of underground parking or structured spaces vs. surface parking;

  • Legal fees, consulting fees and financing costs, preparation of a business plan, preparation of professionally prepared drawings, expenses related to designated Heritage Buildings and/or properties as they relate only to specific eligible costs identified above;

  • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Assessment Estimates;

  • A partial or complete Phase I or Phase II ESA Study to confirm and describe contamination at the site;

  • A Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Survey to determine designated substances and hazardous materials at the site;

  • A Remedial Work Plan/Risk Assessment/Risk Management Plan to develop a plan remove, treat, or otherwise manage contamination found on the site.

  • Applicable Planning Act application fees; and,

  • Other on-site costs may be eligible at the sole discretion of the Township.

Eligible Costs for those properties requiring brownfield remediation as part of the Brownfield Remediation Tax Assistance, as identified in Section 365.1 of the Municipal Act:

  • Phase III ESAs, and Risk Assessment Plans;

  • Environmental remediation activities;

  • Costs of preparing a RSC, including subsequent subsurface characterization work required to support RSC filing;

  • Placing clean fill and grading;

  • Installing environmental and/or engineering controls/works as specified in a Risk Assessment completed for the property;

  • Monitoring, maintaining and operating environmental and engineering controls/works, as specified in the Phase III ESA and/or Risk Assessment Plan; and

  • Environmental insurance premiums.

Submit an expression of interest now!


What is the application process?

For Facade, Building, and Property Improvement Grants of less than $5,000:

  1. Submit an Expression of Interest form
  2. Discuss your project with Town staff to determine eligibility
  3. Submit an Application Form
  4. Town staff review application
  5. Approval of grant if eligibility criteria are met and program budget permits

For all other grants:

  1. Submit an Expression of Interest form
  2. Attend a pre-consultation meeting with Town staff 
  3. Submit an Application Form
  4. Town staff review application
  5. Town staff report presented to Council
  6. Council decision

Alliston Business Improvement Area:

Businesses within the Alliston Business Improvement Area (ABIA) may be eligible for additional funding  from the ABIA Board for the following CIP programs:

  • Facade, Building and Property Improvement Grant
  • Downtown Residential Improvement Grant
  • Commercial At-Grade Conversion Grant
  • Public Art Grant
  • Privately-Owned Public Spaces Grant

Prior to undertaking any work, contact ABIA at learn more about the funding available and the application process.

Forms & Documents