Fire Permits

You can apply for a fire permit if you would like to have a campfire or controlled burn within the town.

Open Air By-law

Our Open Air By-law states that no person shall set a fire or permit a fire in the Town of New Tecumseth without first obtaining the necessary fire permit.

Fire permits

Open Air Burning Permits are available to print online only and must be purchased in-person at the Administration Centre in Alliston.  Completed fire permit applications can also be dropped off in the drop box at the Joint Operations Centre in Beeton. 

Fees for Open Air Burning Permits are as follows:

  • $17.25 for a 30 day permit
  • $33.00 for a 90 day permit
  • $66.00 for a 180 day permit

Outdoor Wood Burning Appliance Permit Applications and Recreational Outdoor Campfire Permit Applications can be picked up at the Town Administration office, 24 Tupper St W, Alliston. The issuance of these permits require an inspection prior to approval.  Please review the Open Air Burning By-law to ensure distance requirements are met from property lines and structures prior to inspection. If you have any questions, email our fire team.  Once approved, a one-time fee of $60.05 applies to the application.


If you are a tenant, you must provide written permission from the property owner at the time of purchase.